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Iron Maiden


Kevin Shirley about the RIR DVD

on June 12, 2002 @ 18:59

Kevin Shirley said this about the RIR DVD:

"News for the Maiden heads - thanks for the e-mails. The Rock in Rio DVD is out in Europe, and while I haven't been sent a copy to check yet, let me address some of your questions. The DVD should have a stereo soundtrack, as well as a 5.1 surround sound track - whether it's a DTS or Dolby Digital version, I'm unsure of, but most surround amps have both - tho' I find the DTS easier to use! These are two totally different mixes - so
you'll get different things from each mix anyway! If you are hearing dips in the sound, it will be your DVD player, not the DVD itself - the manufacturers build compressors into the players with slow release parameters to make movies that are very dynamic compatible with an average TV set - so what you need to do is go into the DVD player menu (not the Rock In Rio menu!) and look for audio settings, and there'll be something called Dynamic Control or something like that - and make sure it's disabled or switched off - then you should find the DVD sounds f$#$%..g great!!!!"

1 Comment

Anonymous said:

:ph34r: blink.gif

#3604, June 12, 2002 @ 22:16

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