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Maiden tribute

on July 10, 2003 @ 15:28

Royal Carnage has released an in-depth coverage of every album Maiden ever released. In their own words, "O’ Gods of Earth and Altar. The pride of Heavy Metal and Great Britain, the Irons have nothing left to prove. In celebration of the upcoming Give me Ed till I’m Dead tour and new album, Dance of Death, ROYAL CARNAGE is proud to present our very own tribute, a comprehensive look at what 20 years and counting can do to solidify the legacy of what is arguably the greatest Heavy Metal band to grace the planet."

Source: [url=]Royal Carnage[/url]


Anonymous said:

We should archive these on Maidenfans. The articles are really excellent.

"IRON MAIDEN’s Iron Maiden is a classic. It’s an education. It’s a moment caught in time of a world about to change forever. It should belong in everyone’s collection just as a matter of principle."

"IRON MAIDEN. What do these words mean to you? (...) If I had to choose a single word to associate with IRON MAIDEN, it would be respect. Respect for what they've done both creatively and as leaders. Yes leaders. IRON MAIDEN plays music for their fans, plain and simple. (...) After almost 25 years, this band has never forgotten their roots or their place in the music world. That, my friends, is what I call leadership by example."

"After listening to Piece of Mind, I destroyed my collection of albums by the PET SHOP BOYS and hailed IRON MAIDEN as my saviour - the new messiah."

"What’s more a testament to the incredulous nature of this, MAIDEN’S fifth album, is that they could easily have released a steaming pile of crap, and have had it gulped down by their fans. They were that hot and getting hotter at the time. Instead, they rev the engine higher and faster and deliver one of the greatest metal albums of all time. Period."

"My cassette copy of Live after Death, (courtesy of a copy made from my local library) was beginning to show signs of tape fatigue and so were my neighbours’ complaints about the level of noise and bass-vibration penetrating their house. The culprit was my father’s beloved Sanyo stereo, which I had illicitly relocated from its prime position in our front living to my newly converted attic-bedroom."

"The Unbeliever." It is this song that keeps me championing Gers as a valid addition to the MAIDEN camp. He and Harris have written a wonderfully arranged song that just twists and turns and keeps me interested the whole time."

"The Angel And The Gambler" is a nine minute Harris epic that is about 7 minutes too long." biggrin.gif

"More than likely, Brave New World was an indication that the band was shaking off the dust, oiling its joints and gearing up for world domination again."

"the line “once he built missiles a nations defense, now he can’t even give birthday presents” is just fucking excruciating to the point of hysteria. I mean, who on earth wrote that? Yngwie Malmsteen?" lol[1].gif


#5169, July 10, 2003 @ 15:56

Anonymous said:

[quote=The Saint,Jul 10 2003, 03:57 PM] "the line “once he built missiles a nations defense, now he can’t even give birthday presents” is just fucking excruciating to the point of hysteria. I mean, who on earth wrote that? Yngwie Malmsteen?" lol[1].gif

Cheers [/quote]
WHAT?! ohmy.gif

#5170, July 10, 2003 @ 16:43

Anonymous said:

Excellent review of what the Beast is.
It happened to me that when I first heard Maiden I discarded all what I had and begin to be a maidenfan.
I agree with the word "respect".

#5171, July 10, 2003 @ 18:56

Anonymous said:

[quote=Eddie-the-Killer,Jul 10 2003, 04:44 PM] [quote=The Saint,Jul 10 2003, 03:57 PM] "the line “once he built missiles a nations defense, now he can’t even give birthday presents” is just fucking excruciating to the point of hysteria. I mean, who on earth wrote that? Yngwie Malmsteen?"  lol[1].gif

Cheers [/quote]
WHAT?! ohmy.gif [/quote]
Well, I don't agree with that (and, in general, his review of the Blaze era, especially on TXF), but I found the line about Malmsteen funny as hell...


#5172, July 11, 2003 @ 20:17

Anonymous said:

[quote=Guest,Jul 11 2003, 09:18 PM] Well, I don't agree with that (and, in general, his review of the Blaze era, especially on TXF), but I found the line about Malmsteen funny as hell...

Cheers [/quote]
The last post was mine... Note to self: log before babbling.


#5173, July 11, 2003 @ 20:18

Anonymous said:

You all call your self fans? Let everyone decide for them self's.......

Kind Regard,

A Real Fan....

#5174, July 12, 2003 @ 00:06

Anonymous said:

he's very very harsh on arldo and vxi. uncalled for...and why is lado ad rir omitted? they have maiden japan and not 2 full live releases?

#5175, July 12, 2003 @ 07:47

Anonymous said:

Very good reviews!

#5176, July 12, 2003 @ 17:34

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