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Bruce on Stage in London in March

on February 1, 2005 @ 04:28

As Lord Ghaleon rightly rumored, Bruce will be a special guest to the famous Arthur Brown on his Crazy World Fire Suite Kingdom Come Reunion !

The show will take place on Saturday 12th March 2005 at the Astoria in London.

Bruce will be the DJ on the night. Here's what the press release says about him:

Bruce Dickinson. Yes, that man of many parts. Airline- pilot, amd flight instructor, sword-fencer for England , train-spotter, family man- that's enough for anyone, right?
Wrong. Of course he is also a well-known radio personality and presenter, and a canny businessman. That's finally enough.
No-- there-s still what he's most famous for. He 's the lead singer with Iron Maiden, about whom so much has been said, why add more to it? Except to say that Bruce's fronting of the band is astonishing in its energy and focus. A man who is a true friend and a deep thinker , it's good to have Bruce Aboard. He's chosen to do the DJing for the Astoria.

Bruce, besides being a good friend of Arthur (the latter attended the Earl's Court gig in 2003), compiled a BBC documentary to show Arthur Brown's legacy. He also did a cover of Arthur Brown's 'Spirit of Joy' in 1994.
Arthur Brown read the poetry bits on Bruce's solo album 'The Chemical Wedding' and took Bruce seat on the BBC Radio Freak Show while Maiden was touring the USA in 2003.

Arthur Brown has had a big influence on bands like Genesis, Deep Purple, Kiss and even Maiden in terms of theatrics at shows for instance.

Sources: Official Press Release, Arthur Brown Official Website

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