2003 tour first show
According to Maidenzone.com, the Iron Maiden stage will measure 300 m2, for a spectacular show ytansported by 6 trailers, 4 coaches, 3 cars and a van. Iron Maiden will fill the Coliseum. On a local level there will be 42 people to unload, electricians, 5 "climbers" to set the equipment up, 2 caterers (there are 50 technicians travelling with the group), 2 lift trucks, 3 runnes with different vehicles, 9 telephone lines (in 3 production offices), 5 dressing rooms, 150 towels and over 100 kg of ice. The Coliseum will provide four 12 seat vehicles and van for internal transport of the group and equipment. There will be 150 people in charge of security, with over 50 Coliseum workers and members of Civil Protection, the Red Cross, Local and National Police and firemen. Doors open at 20:00 for the following programme: 20:45 Supoport group for the European Tour - STRAYSpanish
Estos son algunos de los datos de lo que sera el nuevo tour, más concretmente para el concierto de Coruña:
Sobre un escenario de 300 metros cuadrados y una producción espectacular que se desplaza en 6 trailers, 4 autobuses, 3 coches y una furgoneta; IRON MAIDEN abarrotará el Coliseum, que aportará para la producción local del concierto: 42 personas de carga y descarga, electricistas, 5 escaladores para el "volado de los equipos", 2 ayudantes de catering (se desplazan 50 técnicos en la gira), 2 carretillas elevadoras, 3 runners con diversos vehículos, 9 líneas telefónicas -distribuidas en 3 oficinas de producción-, 5 camerinos, 150 toallas y más de 100 kg. de hielo.
Para el transporte interno de artistas y técnicos, el Coliseum aportará 4 vehículos de 12 plazas y un furgón para equipajes. Un amplio dispositivo de seguridad de más de 150 personas, en el que intervendrán más de medio centenar de guardias de seguridad del recinto, además de miembros de Protección civil, Cruz Roja, bomberos, Policía local y Nacional, velarán por el normal desarrollo del concierto. Las puertas se abrirán a las 20:00 horas y el programa del concierto es el siguiente: 20:45 horas ( STRAY) 22:00 horas IRON MAIDEN.
Source: maidenzone.com
WOW, sounds cool! Who will post the setlist and review just after the gig will be finished??????
Yeah!Do so!!Yet do it faaaaaaaaast!!!
ice?? jeje,,,this will be nice
[quote=POLISH_EDDIE,May 5 2003, 02:50 PM] WOW, sounds cool! Who will post the setlist and review just after the gig will be finished?????? [/quote]
Will You do it for us? How fast? Can we expect the review 1-2 hours after the show is over (1-2AM)?
"1-2 hours after the show is over?"
Don't you think the guy need some rest first ?
[quote=POLISH_EDDIE,May 5 2003, 09:09 PM] Will You do it for us? How fast? Can we expect the review 1-2 hours after the show is over (1-2AM)? [/quote]
I will send my review to maidenfans.com (english) & maidenzone.com (spanish) 2 hours after the show.
[quote=Shaman,May 5 2003, 09:33 PM] "1-2 hours after the show is over?"
Don't you think the guy need some rest first ? [/quote]
Oh, come on, he could do it. He knows that it'll make us all really happy!
[quote=bnwim,May 5 2003, 10:47 PM] I will send my review to maidenfans.com (english) & maidenzone.com (spanish) 2 hours after the show. [/quote]
Oh, I hope You'll do it!
I will wait until I see them in Gijón. This time I do not want to know the setlist before...