MaidenFans chatroom
We have a brand new chatroom [url=]here[/url]. Let's make the most of it and all meet to have a go at each other in real-time
Try it out and let us know what you think!
See you there soon!

now that's a good idea - hope that'll get the chat a bit more busy
Just note that it's not the same room as the one on DALNet. You can access it either from java thingy on the relevant pages (easiest solution) or through irc at port 6667.
So far, we haven't had that many visits to the new chatroom. Shadow and Scream for me Stockholm (and the rest!) still have to come over!
What are you waiting for?
The point is to annoy Maverick!
It works!
Of course!
Any chance of more chatters to make the place lively and crazy?
Don't think so...
I just can log in from home, 'cause all URL's with "chat" in it are blocked here at my company!