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Nicko defends Iron Maiden

on June 23, 2003 @ 15:41

On the lastest update of Iron Maiden Drummer [url=]Diary[/url], Nicko McBrain stick up for Iron Maiden against fans that - according to him - have "only a couple of brain cells":

"23/06/2003 Nicko - bulletin boards, plumbers and golf

Saturday morning in London. Time: 10:25pm.

Steady boys and girls.
I’ve been on the old bulletin board over the last couple of nights and I have seen a few derogatory remarks and a few grumblings about the boys. Well let me put a few things into perspective for those of you with only a couple of brain cells. That is if you can read and make any sense of what you’re looking at!!!
Maiden is a very, very, happy band. We are at this moment having the very best time that we have ever had touring. One of the main reasons is you lot and a most splendid road crew and team. Those of you that REALLY know this band see that and have shown us your support at all of our shows.

I can’t imagine why some of you out there think that we have lost touch with what touring is about. It has absolutely nothing to do with being on a ‘Kin tour bus or in a ‘Kin jet, what it has to do with is ‘Kin rock and ‘Kin roll music and playing the best gig you can every time you hit the stage. We love what we do and are proud to be a family.

So I hope that the minority of you that have nothing better to do than dig into the realms of stupidity will get a life and enjoy the band for what it always has been. Get a Life!!!

So with that off me chest, onwards..."
To read the whole thing, click [url=]here[/url].


Anonymous said:

Can someone explain this, it doesn't make sense to me blink.gif

#5068, June 24, 2003 @ 13:01

Anonymous said:

I think some peeps on the official BB have been dissing Maiden

#5069, June 24, 2003 @ 13:23

Anonymous said:

I read some of those things they said, but I don't think it a good to give a reaction like this. If he really wants to defend Maiden than why don't he register and tells the real story in the dissing topic. This gives me the impression those guys are right about what they're saying.

#5070, June 24, 2003 @ 13:34

Anonymous said:

i love u nicko!! no1 fucks wit maiden or talks bout them!! go nicko! trey from dublin!

#11265, March 1, 2006 @ 13:41

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