25th Anniversary 'Number of the Beast' Release!
According to Rafabasa.com, Iron Maiden will release a special 25th Anniversary single of their most famous hit 'The Number of the Beast'. Some unspecified special tracks will be added2005 will mark the 25th anniversary of the NWOBHM and many bands of the era a thinking about special releases.
Appart from that collector single, Iron Maiden will celebrate the year by releasing their second DVD in their History series in the spring just before the new tour starts. They will also reproduce the 'Number of the Beast Tour' stage set for their 'Eddie Rips Up...' Tour.
UPDATE: Iron Maiden just confirmed the single release for January
Source: Rafabasa.com
Thank you God/Adrian Smith!
Just got this from the fan club:
Exclusive offer to Iron Maiden fan club members :
In celebration of the release The Early Years DVD - the first in the series
of history of Iron Maiden - and January's single release of Number of The
Beast, we are printing special Limited Edition prints of the Number Of the
Beast album artwork. This is the first and only time the artwork will have
been reproduced in its true format, and each will be certified,
individually numbered and signed by the artist, Derek Riggs.
Iron Maiden Fan club members will have priority ordering, so will get the
early print numbers. Cost of the print (17" x 17") will be £98.50 for those
in the UK, and £84.00 for those living in the rest of the world, who do not
have to pay UK V.A.T. Postage and packaging extra and will be sent by UPS
Courier. Price for shipping will be available next week.
We aim to have these special one off prints ready for Christmas. To Secure
your order email us now to give us an idea of how many we need to reserve
for Fan Club members.
Please note Prints are limited to one per household.
not another 80's single rerelease!!! I thought it was crass with run to the hills, and I think it's crass now. I bet the extras 'll be Bruce Dickinson's Auditions, they'd be perfect for bsides on those singles!
what puzzles me is where did they find the autographs from derek?? Is this the first time they seem to cooperate in 4,5 years or is it my idea?
Is it just me or is Maiden getting a bit hypocritical? I mean, when they reunited in 1999, they said that they wanted to focus on new material and wouldn't just become a nostalgia act playing and re-releasing old stuff. But what do we have now? A DVD series of Maiden's history so far. Pointless re-releases of eighties singles. An entire tour focusing on the past! Forgive me if I'm wrong in any way but I don't really like the idea of this "look how great we were" tour
Actually i dont give a damn if this just is a "look how great we were tour" i see it as an opportunity to see them live more times. Instead of having to wait for a new album before a tour.
As for the dvd, i think it's an awesome release, whitout this release we wouldn have all these old material in dvd-quality!
I'm actually fond of the idea of a classic tour. Its more of a 'giving the fans what they want' tour than a 'look how great we are' one. As for those prints.... im tempted... i really am. I want to see photos dammit.
nobody - NOBODY complained for the history series, cause it's not dwelling in the past, it's making sure that these documents reached the light of day and it's pure class. but the nob single is ROD NONSENCE.
Don't misunderstand me now. The Early Days DVD seems to be great stuff (I'll get it myself sometime), and it would be nice to hear some older songs again, but all this old single re-releases and such things are completly pointless. They say that you don't have to buy it if you don't want, but they know that lots of fans will do it anyway because of their desire to own every Maiden release ever.
thats the reason - thousands of fans. so what are you talking about. sure its your point of view. but NOTB is classic release which most of fans cant get for a reasonable price.
every band in the world (and its management) needs media attention to stay alive
The Tour is not about old music. They PLAY old music.... but with 3 guitars now and different lineup (except PoM).
I don't mind these aniversary releases
If there's new material on it (like a new B-Side) it's interesting. But if it's the same single than the old one, where is the interest ?
But I don't understand : why the 25th anniversary ??? We are not in 2007 ???

Well there you go.

yes 666 the number of the beast .
now for 25 year great.
this is a real classic maiden album.
up the irons
for ever maiden