A First 2005 Maiden Date: Paris ?
According to the latest issue of Rock Hard Magazine (a french mag), there's the first revealed date for the 2005 Maiden tour:25th June 2005 - Parc des Princes, Paris ,France
Thanks to Juju from the official BB
If this turns out to be more than a rumour then I'm off to Paris... in a year.
Same here!
I would have to agree hehe Maiden Rule all!
See ya there maidenfans
Complete Schedule would rock....
Parc des Princes sounds like an Open-Air gig - can anybody confirm that?
It's a big football stadium.
I doubt they could fill it by themselves ( that's 50000 people). They would need another very famous band ( or 2 ?)
no problem for maiden to fill that stadium alone.
i was in paris gig 9.9.99 and i saw what im talking about.
but i think its always good for such a huge event like that play a gig with some 2 - 3 other not so big/famous bands like Slayer or Motorhead, like Maiden always used to. i‘d like to see some breakthrough new bands supporting Miaden like GNR or Metallica in 88 etc. maybe The Darkness or even HIM this time although i hate these bands
or like Metallica in june the opening act was slipknot and guess where: Parc des princes à Paris , Allez l'OM
I'm from Paris and it will be the first time I go to the Parc des Princes Cauz "allez l'OM"
They have enough fans in France. If it's well organised and advertised, there won't be any problems
Personally, I'd like to see an unknown opening for Maiden. My dream show would be either Crystal Ball or Majesty opening for them, but that'll never happen. At best when they tour southern Germany (ooh... Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart... hardly seems worth it!) and maybe they would get Wizard or Paragon for Hamburg. That would rock
they have enough fans all around the world.
im from slovakia and i was in donington 92, paris 99, budapest 00, 03 etc etc.
remember Rods words: IM they will not be playing as much as it was till now.
few BUT bigger gigs.
rumours about stadium gigs in paris and in norway makes the point of his words.
i can hardly wait to see the IM heroes besides the names like Rolling Stones finally.
stadium gigs!
well at last!!!!
sounds nice ....

Well, I don't think maiden cam fill the stadium...
You can have more than 50.000 fans (there was 60.000 for johny halliday).
There was a post on it on the french forum here, and we are a lot to think Maiden can't fill it...
well, then thank god for such a rock-steady fans ...

Hope to see them in Bulgaria. They should come coz we want them. Maiden Rulezzz
If it's true I'll travel from italy to be there. I think that is very probable a stadium-gig in italy too next year.
Well I hope Maiden could do a gig in Finland....It would be nice... I would be there for sure!
It would be nice if They came back to the United States. It's been to long since I've seen Maiden live.
Maiden will fill the Parc des Princes if Metallica opened for them, there's no other way !
Metallica? Ew. They'd want to play St Crap.
They'd fill that stadium no problem at all in my opinion.. anyway I would make the journey there.