B L A Z E a Cabaret Band ? Jeff Singer Talks
Our sister network, Blazefans.com has secured an exclusive interview with Jeff Singer, 3 L A Z E ex-drummer.He talks about his departure and recent activities, being the current drummer of Paradise Lost.
Perhaps the most striking sentence of the interview is the following:
We had an understanding that we would look to the future and not rely on the past. We were a good new band with a lot to offer and going back to do loads of Maiden stuff would be like reverting to cabaret, not unlike Paul Dianno did after he left Maiden.
Over time it felt that that was the way the pendulum was swinging and I didn't want to be in a cabaret band
Read the rest at Blazefans !
I think he was a bit too harsh. B L A Z E is nothing like a cabaret band and there's nothing wrong with pleasing the fans with a couple of songs from Blaze's Maiden-era.

I agree, BLAZE isn't a joke yet. They still defend their songs and albums. At the same time they know that a lot of fans were introduced to Blaze by his Maiden years.
We'll see what happens in the future.
The other thing about that is that Blaze hardly builds their concert around Maiden tunes. There's what...3 on ALAIG? And one Wolfsbane track? Freaky, correct me if I'm wrong here. Quite frankly, Blaze has been playing full sets from only a few albums - it's impossible to fill all that time with his own music.
At least he's not closing every album with a completely unoriginal sub-quality live version of his most famous Maiden song like a few others do
There were 4 Maiden's song on ALaiG: When 2 worlds collide, virus, sign of the cross and futureal + one of wolfsbane and dazed & confused of zeppelin.
I’ve seen them live and it’s sure that it wasn’t a cabaret band : it was pure rock’n roll !
Of course, they played two Maiden songs (‘When 2 worlds’ and ‘Futureal’) but it wasn’t the high point of the show besides songs like ‘Stare at the Sun’ or ‘Tenth Dimension’...
Yes, all the audience wore an IM T-Shirt, but who cares ?..
They played Futureal and Virus when I saw them live. It was very cool
They have to play one maiden song at least. Without Maiden BLAZE wouldnt have the fame [infamy?] that he does now. Playing Sign of the Cross when he didnt write it worried me a little but that hardly makes it cabaret
how many songs they played during one show? two maiden tunes? this guy is pussy and Paradise Lost sucks more and more on each album
Allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment. I think it's completely appropriate for Blaze to play Maiden songs if he wants to. But a drummer who was never in Maiden is under no such obligation. It's quite reasonable for a musician to only want to play his own material. So while many of you might disagree with Singer's opinion, I myself understand perfectly why he feels that way.
Of course, Blaze commands his band. I'm not saying Blaze should bow down to his band members and drop the Maiden songs. Leaving the band was the correct answer for Singer. Instead of bitching about him, shouldn't we be moving on and supporting Blaze's new drummer?
Very good point and very well put
As always for SMX. You missed your true vocatin, SMX:lawyer
I agree with RW, very well put SMX.
Except for the following point: Blaze has no regular drummer.
I'd happily volunteer!