Bruce Talks About New DVD On Headbanger's Ball
According to posts at the Iron Maiden BB, Bruce talked about the rumoured Dance of Death Live DVD on last night's Headbanger's Ball on MTV2.Says Bruce: "We're going to take about 12-14 months on and in - between Steve will be preparing a DVD of this whole tour and a Best Of DVD"
Bruce also mentioned his new solo album and an upcoming solo DVD.
Hooray for live DVD's!
Double Hooray! Live DVD AND Bruce solo album.
Wow! I never though that another MaidenSweden should join!
Another DVD...?!
A live DVD is great news... but a best of ??? What about Visions of The Beast ?!
Not if the live DVD is this compilation of video clips with dubbed audio over the top
"Great, we're flavor of the month, and people who don't even know us are wearing our tshirts.'' said Bruce
Another dumbass comment?!
If he's anything like the first, we'll be drowning in spam.

No disrespect to the new fella, but the first MaidenSweden was kinda strange. Whatever happened to him anyway, Shadow?

I don't think we really need another live DVD. Perhaps they'd be better making a box set with one pro-filmed gig from each tour with Dance Of Death included in there or something rather than a brand new DVD of DoD tour footage.
Either that or a new 12 Wasted Years thing with some 25 anniversary of Soundhouse Tapes release or something with loads of bits of pro-filmed footage from each tour.
I don't think I'll buy a DoD tour DVD though, not so soon after their last DVD.
I don't think we really need another live DVD. but a best of so they can do a tour on it.
Cool, a live DVD from the "Dance of death" tour is what I want!! I never get tired of these things.
By the way, that Best of DVD might refer to the release of the old videos on DVD. If things go as expected, in 2004 some of the old VHS might get the mighty DVD treatment (It is about time!).
What the hell do you people mean "we don't need another live DVD". It's not like they are THROWING them at us! How many are there!
Christ! If you don't want it, don't buy it. You're not losing anything over it, maybe except energy to complain.
I think this is one of the reasons we see Maiden making some interesting choices in the line Lord of the Flies, and tossing in old classics like Can You Play With Madness. An attempt to catalogue as much of Maiden's older stuff with the new lineup before they retire. So a live DVD might just make sense, in that aspect.
Hopefully we get all the classics on dvd, but I think it would be realy nice with a DOD-live DVD!