Bruce's Diary!
Here's a piece of diary Bruce wrote at the 3rd of June this year, straight from the Download Festival in Glasgow!
"Thursday 3rd June 2004. 9am. Somewhere in London
On no, how am I going to get to Glasgow? The man that moves the widgets in Air Traffic Control fell over this morning and news is in a panic... fast forward... okay, I'm sitting in an airport with Henry (my BBC 6 Producer) and John (who booked the flights. A-ha! It's your fault.) So, on the flight... it's the Lostprophets and erm... Ralph McTell?!! Shouldn't you be up at the gig already, boys? Oh yes, and we spot Camilla Parker Bowles going home in the Terminla. Didn't know she was a Metallica fan...
Off to the Beeb to edit a bunch of interviews then find hotel... dump bags... down site... I see Iggy Pop's bum... I find my 3 chums from London and we drink a couple of what masquerades for beer in this horrible corporate world of characterless fizzy liquid... then it's Lostprophets. How many f******? Oh dear... but we have to go to the Cathouse and set up... oh yes... food... it's a lump of pasta and ared stuff and a very big coffee cos it's now 11.30 and the gig is filling up. We go live at 11.45 and 3 hours later, thanks to a desk from the Lusitania and road crew from 'Mad Max... Beyond Rock Shows' we have done our duty, rocked the house and not soiled our trousers.
Pack up... 4.30am, back to the hotel... what's that? Sleep? You must be joking..."
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pretty cool
the bands at download werent very good, only about 3 that id actually like to see.