Christmas Card Competition Winner Revealed
The winnerof the 2004 Iron Maiden Christmas card competition, Michael Weldon, has been announced in the latest issue of the Fan Club Magazine, which also contains a special booklet by the Neighbor of the Beast team.
Picture courtesy of
Update: Iron has posted a gallery with lots of other submitted cards here
Sorry, but i think it sucks.
eddie doesn't get a gift himself !!
nice drawing, couldn't have done it myself...
note: think eddie should have been wearing a santa-suite... would have been cool !
Rubbish! Seeing what was on offer, they chose one of the worse ones.
Where can we see more of the entries submitted ?
I kinda like the one that won.
It's allright but perhaps a little bit to cartoonish.
I dislike it. I would have sooner chosen tap_legion's entry.
I havent actually received my FC mag yet, been waiting!! Anybody else in the UK had theirs yet?
its ok but eddies only got 8 fingers!?
why hasn't my dad got a gift so he nicks bruce's ha ha
I am glad to see tap's is on there!! I think that tap's was the best out of the lot. Must have been one of the runners up surely.
He should have won , Damn fanclub

When Tap's card is reduced to that size, it's hard to see how really good it is. So I'll admit the possibility that some of the other entries may in fact be better than they look in that gallery. But this would only apply in a minority of cases - most of them, including the winner, are obviously terrible and too cartoony.
It's usually my opinion that it's not fair for me to criticize someone else's work unless I think I could do better myself. But in this case, I feel comfortable criticizing most of these drawings because I can honestly say that if I drew that badly, I wouldn't be crazy enough to turn it in for the contest. I have too much respect for my fellow Maiden fans to subject them to bad artwork. If only others were so considerate...
Which one is Tap's one ? There's no such name on the page has put up.
With the name Tommy Pons, it is 3rd from the bottom on the right hand side.
Actually i'll just post the pic
Thar we go matey!
7th : Man , thanks for all the support....Really !...Its making me start to think about really doing more Eddies...
I see that the $20 I sent you got there ok.....
Funny , cause basically , I entered the contest simply in the hopes of winning an "Early Days" Sanctuary t-shirt , Now I have to pay for
this cartoony pics win again... Tap_Legion's card was way way better than this one, in my eyes a clear winner.
I see that the $20 I sent you got there ok.....

Funny , cause basically , I entered the contest simply in the hopes of winning an "Early Days" Sanctuary t-shirt , Now I have to pay for

It isnt only me who admires your art! Good luck, look forward to seeing more!
Actually I like this one more than the winner one:
Edited the main news a bit, so that we have a good pic.