Clansman Poster Competition Winner Announced
Last month ran a competition with the prize of a signed Clansman poster. The winner is now finally announced, and the best entries can be seen here7 Comments
And the winner is...
The Clansman, recreated entirely from Blu-Tac by Marcus Shirley.
We chose it not only for the time, effort and obvious dedication that went into it's construction, but also the utter pointlessness. Plus it just really, really amused us. Well done!
Thanks to everyone who entered, even if your entries weren't published, be assured you provided some hilarity in the office. Especially the guy who sent us a random picture of his pet crocodile.
great! lovely! just like the Blue Woad paint that Scots Clansmen put on their faces to frighten the English
I posted this about a week ago...everyone just ignored it...
I post my news stories before even thinking of reading the other forums.
I didn't post it for it's becoming less and less interesting. But hey, it's Maiden related news afterwards !
You should have posted it in the unapproved news forum then

Oh well, now I know.