Derek Riggs: Maiden Have All The Originals
The_7th_Son, a member of the Maidenfans boards, recently e-mailed Derek Riggs about his art and had the surprise of getting a reply:"Hi it's Riggs
thanks for all the kind words.
I do not have any originals in my possession. Maiden have all the originals
but I do not think they will be likely to part with them.
sometimes a piece of maiden art comes up for sale on ebay. I do not know if
they are real originals or not. if they are then they are probably stollen
property. some of the artwork went "missing" from the printers in the early
if you keep your eyes open you might get lucky
have fun
all the best
Source: Maidenfans Forums
You're the one who should decide but is this really Maiden news?
Well, I hesitated a bit but it was a nice adding to the Riggs-Maiden story. And it's interesting to know that all originals are kept by Maiden and some 'missing' ones could be found on eBay...
I understand your point of view, however.
Soon find out whether its newsworthy if Blabbermouth pick it up
It'd be really good to have one of these originals...
thats why i asked him,
thanks for the mention saint, my moment of fame
Yes, it's interesting to know, in anycase.
But I must say it must be a truly sad individual that steals an original and try to make some money of it by selling someone elses original on Ebay. That's pathetic.
great, im sure riggs will love me now that the email he sent me all around the internet... guess its my fault for posting it
Well if he doesnt want people to know this information he shouldnt tell people should he?
don't worry, he has already stated that fact a dozen times, in interviews too, so i guess if he ever checks blabbermouth (which i'm fairly sure he doesn't since he won't find any news on brittney there) he won't mind...
Thanks Bravewords !