Greek Metal Hammer Interview with Bruce
This interview appeared in the greek edition of Metal Hammer (issue 232) and, as usual, I thought I'd post it here. There's nothing about Maiden in it, it's just a fun and different interview, which's questions have the purpose of testing the wit and humor of the interviewed person...You're the DJ at a party. Which 3 songs will you play for sure?
I'd play "Highway to Hell" from AC/DC, Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" and Rainbow's "Stargazer".
If you could be a historic person, who would you like to be?
Winston Churchill but only if he shed a few pounds first!
If TV would show a live Death Penalty Execution, would you watch?
No, I wouldn't.
What is more dangerous, a schitzophrenic dentist or a fatal woman?
Without second thoughts, a fatal woman!
Describe your school years. Were you a good student?
Eeer... no!
What is your biggest fear?
Would you rather be deaf or blind?
I'd rather be deaf.
Do you believe in God?
I believe he may exist...
Have you ever been arrested?
Yes, in Texas, but they withdrew the charges, as I was innocent.
You're performing on stage, while below yawning reigns. How do you react?
I'd probably go down in the arena with the mike turned on and try to piss them off, so that they wake up!
Somebody you love dearly is murdered and you know the killer's identity. What do you do?
Unfortunately, I'd have to notify the police, disregarding any instictive feelings that would come over me at the begining!
What's the weirdest place you took a piss?
Eeeer, let me think... This one time I met a girl in Florida, who wanted me to do it on her! I don't know why she liked it, but I did it and it seemed really weird and funny. It's the only time I've done that in my life!
What's in your pockets right now?
Hang on... 6 pounds and 20 pence, that's all!
At which part of the planet would you like to travel?
I'd like not to travel, but to live in the bottom of the ocean, because I've never been there!
Aliens visit you and they invite you over at their planet. Would you go?
Yes, I would, although I'd expect them to be very advanced. I think that any meeting with aliens would be disasterous, they'd have us as their pets! I believe that any alien civilization that would come in contact with us, would very unlikely be more primitive than us.
Moved to main news. Thanks gor.
Nice interview!
Thanks again gor!
hehe, Bruce pissed on a girl
i would have done it

i guess he really PISSED her off.
I'd rather be deaf.
Amazing answer for a singer.
I was thinking the same thing, but maybe Bruce would rather fence and fly, and I'm fairly sure you need working eyes for those activities.
I think we should think about this issue by putting the singer element out. Image is scientifically the most appealing of a human five senses.
Seeing the world evolve might more interesting than just hearing it, singer or not.
Nice One
This is a synthesis of 2 seperate interviews that appeared in the greek edition of Metal Hammer (issues 232/233) and, as usual, I thought I'd post it here. There's nothing about Maiden in it, it's just a fun and different interview, which's questions have the purpose of testing the wit and humor of the interviewed person... The same questions get asked every time, and bruce and paul answered them...
You're the DJ at a party. Which 3 songs will you play for sure?
BD: I'd play "Highway to Hell" from AC/DC, Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" and Rainbow's "Stargazer".
PD: "Blitzkrieg Pop" from Rammones, "God Save The Queen" by Sex Pistols and something off of "Chaos A.D." or the last Killing Joke album.
If you could be a historic person, who would you like to be?
BD: Winston Churchill but only if he shed a few pounds first!
PD: Mussolini... ofcourse not, haha! I'd like to be prophet Mohamed
If TV would show a live Death Penalty Execution, would you watch?
BD: No, I wouldn't.
PD: Fuck damn straight yeah! I'd have inspiration for lyrics that way! I'd watch this happen to someone and I'd try, in some way, to "get into" his mind, but to write about the one who has the right to punish that man in such a way.
What is more dangerous, a schitzophrenic dentist or a fatal woman?
BD: Without second thoughts, a fatal woman!
PD: Oh my god... you know, a woman broke my tooth once, so I'd say it's the same ... I'd say the woman, because se's much more dangerous. You know, I've been married several times and I respected all the women, but I wouldn't say that I'd like to fall in love with them again. Definatelly, the fatal woman is more dangerous!
Describe your school years. Were you a good student?
BD: Eeer... no!
PD: I was very good in History and Language, but in everything else... I love the english language and I'm very sad about giving up after I finished school. Later on, I got a degree in English Literature from the Open University and the last few years I've been taking a course in Criminology and Law...
What is your biggest fear?
BD: Failure.
PD: That something might happen to my children, and that's why I want to offer them what I didn't have when I was their age.
Would you rather be deaf or blind?
BD: I'd rather be deaf.
PD: Blind, 'cause I would still be able to listen to music.
Do you believe in God?
BD: I believe he may exist...
PD: No, there are many who use God as a weapon, especially in America. Look at what happened in Iraq...
Have you ever been arrested?
BD: Yes, in Texas, but they withdrew the charges, as I was innocent.
PD: Let's not talk about it! Since I was 11 years old, it's more than 70 and less than 100 [arrests] - it ain't so bad... You do little things when you're young and bigger things when you grow older!
You're performing on stage, while below yawning reigns. How do you react?
BD: I'd probably go down in the arena with the mike turned on and try to piss them off, so that they wake up!
PD: I'd go down and I'd beat him up! But that doesn't happen in our concerts unless if everybody down there is "high".
Somebody you love dearly is murdered and you know the killer's identity. What do you do?
BD: Unfortunately, I'd have to notify the police, disregarding any instictive feelings that would come over me at the begining!
PD: You know something? It has happened to me... if it was one of "our guys", I'd do the guy that did it and his family in... Vendetta... I never said my life was peacful, did I?
What's the weirdest place you took a piss?
BD: Eeeer, let me think... This one time I met a girl in Florida, who wanted me to do it on her! I don't know why she liked it, but I did it and it seemed really weird and funny. It's the only time I've done that in my life!
PD: On a girl's head, when I was 12, because she had really pissed me off! So I climbed up a tree and did it!
What's in your pockets right now?
BD: Hang on... 6 pounds and 20 pence, that's all!
PD: €20 and my room's key. My cigarretes are on the table
At which part of the planet would you like to travel?
BD: I'd like not to travel, but to live in the bottom of the ocean, because I've never been there!
PD: Lots of places... I've been almost everywhere and I love to travel... I'd say South Africa and play live there.
Aliens visit you and they invite you over at their planet. Would you go?
BD: Yes, I would, although I'd expect them to be very advanced. I think that any meeting with aliens would be disasterous, they'd have us as their pets! I believe that any alien civilization that would come in contact with us, would very unlikely be more primitive than us.
PD: Yes, I would, but I don't know what I'd find there. We can't be the only ones living in this universe, surely there must be someone else, who might even be more evolved than ourselves.
Extra questions only asked at Paul:
Which is, for you, the worst band on the planet right now?
PD: The darkness! Absolute fucking garbage! Who do they think they are?
Suppose someone makes a pass at your wife infront of you. What do you do?
PD: Shoot the motherfucker! That simple! But what are you saying? Would there be anyone who'd do that? He'd have to have self-destruction tensions! And my wife wouldn't want to sleep with him anyway. If she's had one night with me, she doesn't want anybody else!
If there was no music in the world, what would you do?
PD: I'd read! I love reading and read about 2-3 books a week, especially now that I'm am studying, I read alot.
Give me a comment on groupies
Groupies are OK, if they're what you want. Especially in the beginning, with Iron Maiden, I had so many that I was beggining to feel bored with them... I can't remember when I last slept with a groupie, but on the other hand, I'd rather be around people that have more essence as human beings. I think it's very degrading for a woman to go with someone from the first date, imagine if she's doing it just because that guy is famous. Women should have more respect for theirselves, 'cause they certainly ain't gonna get it from me!
Who's the last person you punched?
PD: I think it's my son... he's almost 20, larger than me and we kick-box together.
When was this 233 issue released ?
a week or two ago...
Ok then. I will upload the second part of the article as a new headline, so to share it with more people. You will be credited, of course

Here it is: