Iron Maiden Cartoons
If you're interested in some brilliant Iron Maiden cartoons, recommend you to go to this site for a few truly amaing videos!Thanks to Maverick for posting this

Thanks to IMC Webmaster Maverick for being a girl too!
Okay, I'm done with that.
Thanks to IMC webmaster Maverick for posting this

thanks for the information.really kewl cartoons

that was brilliant thanx for that
KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a rough Portuguese to English translation of the commentary from the site.
The Project "Intro of Iron Maiden' s Albums" more is nothing than a piração of an insane fan, that while went initiating in the world of the drawings went also knowing, appreciating and accompanying this that is to Bigger Band of all of the Times - the IRON MAIDEN (in mine humble opinion).
Then, certain day I resolved join the hunger with at ease of eat: to my passion by drawings, illustrations and related with the adoration by the sound of the Iron Maiden. After all of you count, would not be able to be peculiar, the Iron Maiden and the world of the illustrations they were intimate connected, therefore everybody the arts utilized in the stuff produced by the band are of a good taste that is any note. With the word Sir Derek Riggs. And for me, an iniciante in the drawings, era a reference and so much see everybody those layers of the disks of the Maiden.
And the time went passing and I went knowing news forms of do art and I went experiencing some meanses of give life to my project, but never with a lot exito. After me the era from the data processing enter, I went knowing and working for some time with several digital software of art and you go that this arises me software of animation for web, known by Flash, that made feasible this my project.
The Project "Intro of Iron Maiden' s Albums" is a small one becomes musical by the albuns of the Iron Maiden, and everything this with a touch of humor. The episodes are based in some albums layers references, of singles, of posters, and to of outstanding facts that they occurred in the path from the band. Counted by adventures lived by the Eddie, that really exemption comments.
Summarizing, is a form all special of show all to my admiration by the Iron Maiden and like to share that with all of the fans of the Iron Maiden spreaded by Brazil and, by that not, of the world.
It's crap. Thank you BabelFish!

God you're a misserable bugger you arent you?
It comes from being superior to you lot, mere mortals

Okay, I'm done with that.

Anyway - thanks for the link Mav - I know a bit of Flash and I'd say, it's 'KIN lot of work to do that....

This totally rules!
Excellent and very funny.
I'm gonna bookmark it, so I'll check all the other clips later.
Thanks Shadow
I've downloaded them... they're really creative!
Thanks Bravewords
Well, the news spread, but no mention of Maidenfans:
But has been mentioned on the off. Board.... as far as it was running
Piece of Mind was released today! Everyone go see!