Iron Maiden Companion Book announces the long awaited follow up to the Iron Maiden Companion book:"We are happy to announce the publication of our book " Iron Maiden Companion - Update 1". Iron Maiden Companion was a huge success all around the world and it is so far our best selling book nowadays. Four years after its release we decided to please with the overwhelming demand of the thousands of fans who requested a new chapter in this series. Current plans include the release of Companion's first Update during 2004 but no exact date is scheduled at the moment. According to the current plans the book will feature an update of each chapter featured in Companion, matching the same layout style and content detail. However, expect this update to be an addition to the old one, not a completely new catalogue, and just the first in a series of updates the authors will unleash in the future years. Due to restrictions, the book will be issued on a strictly limited edition basis and we strongly suggest all our customers to come back shortly on these pages to know how to buy themselves a copy."
ive wanted the companion for a while now, but dont want to send a cheque abroad and i cant use credit card. Is this going to be the companion with a bit more? or is this a smaller add-on book?
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Edited the news.
Thanks Bravewords