Iron Maiden in Baghdad ?
Well, this is highly unlikely, but here it is:"I just got a message on norwegian TV (Swish show)
That Maiden will play for the American 6th division in Iraq (Bagdad)"
From Whiteshit of the official BB:
I can't imagine that. No way Maiden would ever do that. After all, they're people with principles. Besides, what are they gonna play? Paschendale? Afraid To Shoot Strangers? Two Minutes To Midnight?
Apart from that, Maiden aren't morally clean enough, from US military point of view, to be allowed to do that.
Last but not least, I would not be the only one who would burn their entire Maiden collection if they did that.
Moreover, they would play for the UK troops and not the US ones if they were to play...
I guess it's a totally unfounded rumor, but still, it's the forum dedicated to report all of these !
I agree with Perun's ideas but if it did happen they'd be lucky chappies
Nooooo.... not Maiden! As Perun says, he won't be the only one to burn all their CDs if they did. We hold Maiden up so high that I can almost certainly say they wouldn't do it for anything. And I don't need to get this confirmed by any sources.
I think this is totally nonsense. Steve would never do such thing.
Though I'm sure the UK troops would enjoy listening to The Trooper
Most probably it's nonsense. I seriously hope Maiden won't get involved with that shit.
I hope they don't do it. I am afraid that they get in danger over there!!
I want, WE WANT our band to stay ALIVE!
no way, they will not , we want maiden to stay alive
put it this way, if maiden were hurt, id join the army and go over there.
Now I have this vision of Bruce being forced to wave Old Glory during The Trooper, and of songs like Run to the Hills being changed so the lyrics are more like:
Run to Baghdad (Harris, Stonier)
Off the 2004 album Fear of the Bush
White man came from the USA
He brought us good ol' democracy
He killed Al Qaeda, he caught Saddam
He took our oil for his own land
They fought him hard, but not too well
American occupation, it isn't hell!
They're still coming, too much for me
To kill terrorists, to set us free............
Driving through dust clouds and barren wastes
Charging on the desert plains
Chasing Saddam into spider holes
Fighting terrorists at their own game
It ain't murder, it's freedom
Stab Muslims in the back
For women and children, we're no cowards, attack!
Run to Baghdad...
Run for your lives!
Run to Baghdad...
Run for your lives!
A soldier's down in the barren wastes
Terrorists killing again
Raping US soldiers and wasting the men
The only good Arabs are dead!
Selling them bullets and taking their oil
Enslaving the young and destroying the old....
I mean freeing the young and providing health care for the old....!!!
Run to Baghdad...
Run for your lives!
Run to Baghdad...
Run for your lives!
Good one, LooseCannon!
Next thing they're gonna do is force them to play The "Klansman"
LOL!!! I'd write that one, but naw, I don't do racial slurs.
Fantastic LC - pretty good done!
Anyway, I don't think they'll do that.....
Just an unimaginative joke...
Bah...comedy genius, lost in the Rumours forum.
the original post has been removed from said BB
I can imagine the trooper!
"the smell of curry and of burning oil"
replacing the good ol' acrid smoke line.
Run to Bagdad
Anyway, I don't think that Maiden, a band who composed 2 minutes Afraid to shoot strangers Pashendale, are totally anti-war and won't come.
As Bruce said in Donington '92
And if they really came there:
Is Maiden anti-war? That's debatable. They're definately anti-Gulf War II. No doubt there...
Maiden being anti-war is debatable? Ok, well then we'll have to look for some other explainations for their statements in concerts as "war is shit" and "we've always been against people killing each other". In fact, everyone in their right mind is anti-war. The song "Afraid to shoot strangers" is about the fear of a common man of killing someone he doesn't even know. Where amongst all this did you get the idea that Maiden might not be anti-war?
Go ask Steve Harris if he thinks that the Brits should have stayed out of WW2.
Oh, well.
For example, let's take Pashendale, WWI was one of the biggest massacre in History (1 millions dead at the battle of somme, for example) and the song is clearly anti-war (read the lyrics).
Trooper, , anti-war too, at the end the caracter dies and in the movie the last image is the britain falg and it is all that remains, on the cover there is 2 soldiers dead and you see the Death...
Of course, it's a personal view... and as I'm definitely anti-war, maybe it interfers with my judjement but...
Oh and I think the Run to Bagdad is not enough virulent...
hey, come on now, is supporting a political decision and not being anti-war the same thing? you can't be anti-war when you're in a war, 'cause that's just suicide. but as long as we can, shouldn't we at all costs avoid war? isn't that the intent of these expressive and emotional war-songs ?
Is this the right thread for political discussions?
Sure, abhi. We should avoid war at all costs; I myself an anti-war, but if it ever came down to it, if there was ever a real war to fight, I'd be out with my country. Can't do anything but...
But looking back on the wars, a lot of people have found the time to trash what's been done. That pisses me right the fuck off. It's just good to see Maiden hasn't done it.
What happened in Iraq both times isn't a real war. It's a case of one country or one coalition beating the living piss out of a weak nation. People against this stuff really aren't "anti-war" but "anti-imperialist".
Come to think of it, most wars are motivated by imperialistic urges.. not so much these days, because we've educated us into not fighting against each-other. We have become so busy in trashing each-other, that our existence depends on others' extinction.
Maybe it's time we stopped fighting against people and start fighting against the real cause of people turning on one-another. Maybe it's time we fought ourselves out of our weeknesses. Just something to think about.
Of course. What I meant by an imperialist war is you have a massive empire picking on a country that has no hope in hell of winning. Not like, say Prussia invading France to take back Alsace-Lorraine, but more like, say, the USSR invading Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia while the world's watching Hitler.
And you are of course the end, our greatest challenge will be defeating our own self-destructiveness.
Since you've mentioned self-destruction, and I have been thinking quite a bit into it lately, thanks to "fight club", I'll discuss something here.
There are two ways of reacting to a situation. One is to trying to face away from it so that we can't see what's going on; this way we are distracted for the time being and pass through the moment, only to later come across the consequences of it and feel dejected.
Another is to not buy into the drama of it all and accept it to such an extent as to completely disempower it; true, it will hurt, but you will be okay with that, since you're the one who chose to get hurt. Belive me, a lot of things aren't as bad as we are led to think they are.
So, self-destruction can be a really good friend as long as it is directed inwards. We can use our own rage to help us.
See also: Fight Club
Am I talking to myself?
What's that supposed to mean?

It's supposed to mean that he made a statement/asked a question, and everyone ignored it, and continued to talk about politics, and stuff.
Okay, my bad! Sorry!
Oh, I saw it, RW. I just chose to ignore it. ~chuckles softly~ I don't think having discussions all over the place is bad.
Apart from that, Maiden aren't morally clean enough, from US military point of view, to be allowed to do that.
Last but not least, I would not be the only one who would burn their entire Maiden collection if they did that.
It would Be Awsome if Maiden Played in Bagdad for the Troops. I think the troops would like that very much. One member said He or She would burn there Maiden collection if they did play in Bagdad. My brother and Myself both served in Iraq for over a year, so just send your Iron Maiden collection to Iraq where the real Men are.
Are you talkin about the ones who torture prisoners....
Keep dreaming, rayray.
Abuse! Just the liberal media blowing something out of proportion. I've been there You have not, so dont bash the TROOPS. Think about Your freedom. Those Troops are defending it. Ray-Ray...
I'm the first to admit shit like what happened to those prisoners happens after a war. It happened in Germany, it happened in France, it happened in happened in Korea, Vietnam, happened in Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda, and it sure as hell is happening in Iraq.
That doesn't excuse any of it.
For the record. Torture is the systematic abuse of prisoners, using pain to extract information. "Abuse" is for no reason. What's worse? (There's no answer to this question, just something to think about)
Finally, the next evidence that the troops in Iraq are defending the West's freedom given will be the first.
Having said all that, I'd like to say that the men and women serving there, in Afghanistan, and in other, less publicised places like Bosnia, Croatia, East Timor, Haiti, are among the bravest people in the world. I might not agree with the ideals that send some soldiers to where they go, but I feel pretty thankful that there's guys and gals willing to go, nonetheless.
Again someone who thinks everyone in the world is American... and they're not even defending their freedom there.
Without wanting to enter a neverending discussion, I must add that I know some Spanish soldiers serving in Afghanistan (and some others that went to Bosnia before) and they are neither brave nor they are really interested in defending freedom. They went there because they earn quite a LOT of money (and when I say a lot, I really mean a lot). Nothing more, nothing less.
That's true (I know people who do the same, Ghost of Kain). But the fact remains is that they're still willing to do it, for whatever reason.
Baghdad!!! Well... But I don't think that millions of people will watch them...
If it's true, I hope its after October when I get to Iraq. (USAF 150th Fighter Wing).
Is dat war over?
I can't believe some people actually think this is true.
That'll be just before you get blown up, squadie

You really ARE stupid, aren't you?

I can see Eddie in Iraq once again (2 minutes to midnight). Looking for Saddam
oh but wait Eddie already caught him. Now what is Eddie going to do with Saddam?
In my opinion give Saddam back to Iraqis that have lost families and friends from his regime and let them physically tear him apart. I say let him suffer the most terrible death ever in man kind. Eddie get out your axe and take down Saddam just like you did to Margaret Thatcher in 'Killers". Go EDDIE!!!!!!
And what's gonna happen to the bastards who send US and British troops to get slaughtered for nothing in Iraq? Will Eddie kill Bush and Blair?
Why should Saddam be the one the Iraqis slaughter? Sure, he was a cruel and corrupt dictator, but at the same time, while he oppressed and exploited some of his people, he treated the majority of them fairly well, better than other dictators at the same time.
Most of the deaths didn't start happening till Iraq switched sides when it invaded Kuwait. More Iraqis have starved to death because of UN embargos than because Saddam had them killed.
What does that mean? It means that hand the Iraqis the man who's actually responsible for the majority of deaths - George H. W. Bush!!!
(Not to say that Saddam should get off, but he should be handed over to the World Court and tried for war crimes, just like George W. Bush and Tony Blair).
George Bush is an idiot, thats all i have to ad to this discussion
Eddie will get his Revenge, He got Hittler, Stalin, Mussolini and now He will get Bush and Blair, You see Eddie does'nt start the WARS, He just finishes them.
All these World power Assholes like Saddam, Bush, Blair, Jean Chretien (former Canadian prime minister, now dumb fuck liberal Paul Martin) will pay for their dumb ass decisions and in the end all the people, especially the poor will suffer and Eddie don't like that. If anyone has seen the documentary called "Bowling for Columbine" you will know what I mean. Director Michael Moore did one hell of a job in making the film and Eddie salutes Him. Up the Irons...Cheers... Maiden Canada
Um... you really like Eddie, don't you, MaidenCanada?
Well, LooseCanon, the fact is, even if Iraq didn't seem a butchery dictatorship from outside (there is so many thing we don't know), still, it was a dictatorship.
That's all the trouble with the actual war. Bush took the pretext of Al Qaida and terrorism to attack Iraq and invest in oil for his own interest, which is why so many people demonstrated all over the world and why the UN refuse to go. But in theory, as a defensor of democracy and freedom, you can't get against someone who decide to bring down a dictator.
If only theory worked, eh, Master Owl? Sadly, it seems to rarely work. Especially in the case of the "Great Republic" which has supported tons of dictatorships (including Saddam back in the 80's). In fact, the CIA has sponsered coups to overthrow democratically elected governments and replace them with friendly dictators. (Pinochet, anyone?)
Hmm hmm, and who had Che killed again?

Killing one revolutionary hardly makes up for dozens of corrupt gov'ts.