Maiden Has "Nothing To Prove" Says Review of NML
John Power of reviews the latest Maiden EP very nicely:"Released as a special thank you to their fans, No More Lies sees a rejuvenated
Maiden - if not back at their best, then definately heading in the right direction. The direction of course being overblown, wondefully pompous metal. Pop pretenders like The Darkness can pout and sneer all they like, but when set against the monoliths of rock that are the Maiden they truly are shown up for the pantomime clowns they are.
Decade long songs, check. Screaming triple guitar attack, check. Wailing falsetto vocals, check. Orchestral versions of tracks with portentous titles, check. It's all here - hell, you even get a branded sweat band, in case the committed Maiden fan gets a little too worked up whilst watching the enclosed videos. And to top it all in the perfect two-fingered salute to the pop industry the whole thing is chart ineligible. In the band's own words "We have nothing to prove."
Twenty years on and the official band of the beast are still going strong, due in no small way to knowing how to treat their fans right. Here's hoping that in another twenty years some zombie-filled stage will still be rocking to the sound of the Maiden. Up the Irons!"
Source: Music OMH
And so say all of us!!!!!!!!!
never was a word spoken so true
i almost get an tear to my eye... ALMOST! a little dissapointed about that he didnt say anything about the "thundering Bass of steve harris" but hey... EXELENT REVIEW!!!
any shop i've been in has sold out of the no more lies ep hopefully i can stll get it from somewhere
Darkness has loads of falsetto, but Bruce is the real thing.
the real deal band .... no crap.... someone should post it on the darkness forum page
Excellent review.
Looks like there are still some people outside the fans ring that appreciate Maiden's work. The single's great, No More Lies is one of the greatest tracks of the album.
I need it soon, i've ordered it andhopefully i get it on friday...
Excellent review!
I agree with everything.
well I finally received my WD and Rainmaker DVD singles and iam bit disappointed. Theres only one video clip on WD single and audio tracks. On Rainmaker are 7(?) photos from the video making...!!! They are nice, but 7?!!
Also I dont like listening audio tracks on my TV
I think the new EP looks fine but package of these singles is very poor i must say
I'm also a bit disappointed - but only by the sweat band.
Don't get me wrong - but it looks y ....
Anyway, cool review - Thanks Saint!
Nice review. The only mistake is the falsetto reference. Bruce nearly never uses falsetto! He's the real master!
Too bloody right. UP THE 'KIN IRONS FOREVER!