Maiden in Paris in June 2005
Maiden will play in Paris, Parc-des-Princes, on 24th June 2005. This is a dead cert info from EMI France (although it might be on 25th, the concert will take place anyway).Update:
Iron Maiden will play at the Parc-des-Princes on Saturday 25th June 2005. It will be the only gig in France for that tour. Tickets, ranging from 45 to 67 Euros, can be found at Two opening bands are expected to participate.

je suis content pour les parisiens (allez l'OM),malheuresement je suis au Maroc pour l'instant qui sait ou je peux être en juin 2005
, j'espere que ca va être plus beau qu'un certain 22 juin au stade de France ( indice: she's got the jack
) et j'y étais!!!!!
Yeae!! so the dates are starting to come now!
I can't wait for the tour!
Parc des Princes is quite huge. That shall be a nice gig.
Anyway, they won't be able to reschedule it to Bercy on the same week-end, there's so raggae festival taking place, so tickets are better selling loads
So, is this for a 'Give me Ed...' tour or is there a new 2005-studio-album release? Where the upcoming tour is based on?
Thanks Bravewords !
Sorry Mav, course I believe it, but I just wondered where you got the info? .. Anyway, I might make the trip across to see this gig, jesus bloody jesus, early days here I come!

Why people always want to know where they get info ????
I'm just curious
Simple: so many people claim that they have a friend who has a friend who told them something... Reliability is the main reason.
Then, information coming from Maverick or you have proven to be exact many times in the past, so that's why I refrained from asking again

canty wait to see mighty maiden gig on that stadium!
Confirmation: Iron Maiden WILL play at the Parc-des-Princes on Friday 24th June 2005.
Great news, Mav ! I'll try to make the trip !!

Sources ?

These are great news!!!!
Do anyone know the scope of this tour?
i must be there!
i saw Maidens in Bercy 9/9/99 and palais de omnisports was pretty huge arena but this will be great event
i guess there will be a strong bill on the day and one of perhaps 3-4 bands will be Megadeth!
I'm french, and i can tell you that it will be the fisrt time that a band with no radio or tv audiences will play at Parc Des Princes
Do you have an idea on who will play with Maiden ?

Do you have an idea on who will play with Maiden ?
maybe Megadeth, who knows ! with also a 3rd (french) group. Band like No one is innocent or Lofofora would be amazing
Unfortunately I won't be able to go to Paris that day. I was hoping for a show on the 25th, but I guess I will have to go to another place to see them.
I'd really like to go to this. Even if it would cost me a bit, and im not the richest of folk. I might be away at the time anyway, havent organised our annual trip yet. We shall see.
It's not so expensive !! 40 € for the ticket, 80 € for the travel from London, ... what's more English mags and websites always organise travel for Paris shows
Im gonna blow my mind!!
Why doesn't Maiden come to the Turkey??
8000 people are waiting for them!
I'll have a go at making it. Need someone to go with seeing as im friendless. Nah not really, i just dont have any mates around here that are into maiden.
I have the same problem but am hoping to meet up with a fellow Maidenfan? then take the ferry or something.
Well Mav, it seems it's not on the 24 but on the 25 !
I will update your news