Maiden Rehearsed Rare Songs for Gimme Ed Tour
According to a source from Maladroit of the official BB, Iron Maiden was heard rehearsing more than 20 songs before their 'Gimme Ed' tour. The freelance photographer, quite a fan himself, was sent by Kerrang for a shoot and heard some unexpected song played by the band.While such songs as '22 Acacia Avenue' and 'Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter' would finally be included in the set, suprise songs like 'Man on the Edge', 'Afraid to Shoot Strangers' and 'Back in the Village' were dropped !
This is totally unconfirmed, but will surely give hope to those sure that Maiden will always choose the same setlists in the future.
I'd give my left nut to see Back In The Village live - I love that song! GMETID tour was great, but I'd rather have seen Village than yet another Run To The Hills.
Yeah, I would do it, if Maiden would play Invaders live or Flash Of The Blade live. 2 amazing songs. God, how could I forget The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner!.
A masterpiece!!.
Ok, I'm stoping dreaming, but it could be a blast with those songs.
That tour was fuckin great even with murderdolls!!!!!the set list was cool but I´d like to get "Still Life" or "Aces High"
And I would give both nuts if the gig was started with "Moonchild"!!!!
I know many songs i would liked to see, but most of all Alexander the Great, Aces High and then Back in the village.
i would love to see Alexander the Great, Deja-Vu, Flash of the Blade, Monsegur!

Sadly I had to miss that tour since they only did Donny in the UK
yeh that tour was great but i would giv nething to see flash of the blade live and back in the village
Prodigal Son, The Prophecy, The Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner, Alexander the Great, Como Estais Amigos
I'd actually would like to see all songs that havn't been performed live before..
one song i wold mainly like to see live is INVASION