New Bruce Release Schedule
According to the often-well-informed BDWBN website, Bruce had to make some changes in his DVD and album release schedule to make room for Maiden releases:"It appears the DVD has been postponed until next spring. This is to avoid having it 'competing' with the Iron Maiden DVD coming out in October.
This has caused a dreadful delay in his release schedule postponing the release of his new album until next autumn!
Bruce will most likely do the promotion bit for the album next summer, probably coinciding with a Maiden-tour.
It might be a poor comfort to some, though, but it looks like the upcoming Maiden DVD will have some interesting stuff on it. Remains to be seen if they manage to get it out without too many silly delays."
Source: The Bruce Dickinson Well Being Network
I think this is going to start frustrating Bruce, the way his solo has been getting pushed back for so long, esp now that its recorded! Smart marketing would advise that the DVDs that Maiden are about to issue are not for the fear weather fan, they are for the standard fan that is going to buy them anyhow. And they will sell in depth of time more than they will the first month. Bruce should be allowed to release his solo album as planned, this winter. Otherwise, I think Maiden are making a big mistake...
If anything has frustrated Bruce lately it has been Rob Halford. Bruce couldn't record and release a solo album in 2002 as the turbo lover spent too much time with Roy Z in the studio making "Crucible". And this year Bruce and Roy Z have been working in the new solo album on and off, but it hasn't been completed yet (I guess the turbo lover new album with Priest and Roy Z might have had some influence).
If my information is correct, the Bruce Dickinson DVD was going to be released later this year, with the new solo album following in Spring 2005. I'm a bit upset about the delay, but I guess Bruce wouldn't want to release his stuff at the same time than Maiden.
Sanctuary stick their oar in again where its not wanted
I don't think is a matter of money. Try to buy three albums in one week. (2 DVD'a and CD). It's to expensive....Many fans could buy only Maiden and what about Bruce?

True but we already have loads of Maiden stuff why can't THAT wait I WANT NEW BRUCE STUFF
It's going to be nice to finally get the new Bruce album. Hopefully Maiden will release a new album sometime in the following years.
iwant new maiden cd now!
I think that dates too close could harm Bruce's sales, not Maiden which would get a lot of free press anyway.
What I don't really understand is such a postponment.
I can understand the DVD delay: pushing back the DVD to Q1 2005 would have been plenty sufficient, but surely Sanctuary feels that once more the Maiden DVD won't be ready on time (or at least the Zone 1 version like last time) and leaves room for some push backs.
On the other hand, the album delay is somewhat stupid: it doesn't really clash with any album release in the first half of the 2005. I'm not sure everyone is happy in the Maiden camp at the idea of Bruce promoting his solo effort while touring with the band. Wouldn't it be better to push the new Maiden album like last time (it worked: it went no 2 on international charts) ?
The strategy is really not very clear, but that's not the first time. We're used to average management now.
Thanks Blabbermouth !
Thanks Bravewords !
Let me correct this: Maiden did the promotion for "Dance of death" while they were on tour because the album HAD been recorded before the tour started. The timeline for 2005 will be: Tour in the summer-writing and recording new album in the fall AFTER the tour. They can't promote something that isn't even written and recorded, can they??
I also think that Bruce's new album should be released before the summer, but maybe he wants to have his DVD out before as a sort of a taster and really wants to do a proper promotion for the album. We will have to wait and see.
I also think that Bruce's new album should be released before the summer, but maybe he wants to have his DVD out before as a sort of a taster and really wants to do a proper promotion for the album. We will have to wait and see.
Well, to me they could easily release both items. I would be happier.

Come on! I was talking about the buzz surrounding Maiden during a tour: it helped the band being on the center of the attention again and push sales when DOD was launched.
Even if they have no new material, they will claim at every other gig that they have a new album coming soon and that's the best free press they can get. Having Bruce doint the same thing at the exact same time will divide attention, that is what I was talking about.

Even if they have no new material, they will claim at every other gig that they have a new album coming soon and that's the best free press they can get. Having Bruce doint the same thing at the exact same time will divide attention, that is what I was talking about.
Bruce did the promotion for "Scream for me Brazil" during the Ed Hunter tour and Steve could live with it...

Part of the initial deal for me. The free press was garantueed on the simple fact that the band was "reunited".
Maiden touring will get free press too. As I see the band's schedule, there's no point in building momentum for a new album during the 2005 summer tour if the record is not going to be released until spring 2006.

Yeah, Maiden touring will get free press too, that's what I said in my first reaction, but attention will be more divided.
Touring is part of building momentum: DVD, Tour, another DVD, album, Tour

I still think that a promotion for Bruce could have been part of a deal of Ed Hunter Tour but it hard to swallow for Steve on a 2005 tour...
Anyway, the important thing is that we get new material the soonest.

If Steve's not happy, he can always bring back the previous singer and try to sink the ship...

Oh well, here we do not agree. For how much Bruce is important I always thought that the sum was bigger than its component.
I would love Maiden with any member, even if I would like them to continue in the current format.
I loved Blaze and if fans weren't conservative (they say they are rebels... yeah, yeah), they could have appreciated the man without always comparing Maiden to the past.
The ship was not sinking but taking another route, a more original one. But then again, the highway is often the favorite.
I would love Maiden with any member, even if I would like them to continue in the current format.
I loved Blaze and if fans weren't conservative (they say they are rebels... yeah, yeah), they could have appreciated the man without always comparing Maiden to the past.
The ship was not sinking but taking another route, a more original one. But then again, the highway is often the favorite.
As I like to say, opinions are like assholes: everybody has one.

My promotional comment came from the fact that Steve doesn't like interviews (he has said this many times). Bruce coming back took a great pressure away from him, as he doesn't have to talk to loads of journalists.

Yeah and some assholes stink that much that they never gave TXF and VXI any chance.
Yeah, conservatism is a problem among metal fans. Bruce Dickinson also suffered that with his solo albums.
However, I gave a chance to both albums, and although "The X factor" is not a weak album, "Virtual XI" (and its tour) has to be Maiden's lowest moment (my opinion, shared by many others).
However, I gave a chance to both albums, and although "The X factor" is not a weak album, "Virtual XI" (and its tour) has to be Maiden's lowest moment (my opinion, shared by many others).
The word 'conservatism' wasn't for you as I know that you are an open-minded fan: you debate, share views.
For me, TXF is a masterpiece. VXI is pale in comparison, one of Maiden's lowest point along with NPFTD (and some FOTD).
Seems Roy Z is still working for the new JP album:
JUDAS PRIEST frontman ROB HALFORD spoke to BW&BK recently regarding working with producer Roy Z (BRUCE DICKINSON, HALFORD, TRIBE OF GYPSIES) on their forthcoming, as-yet-untitled reunion record, due out through Epic/Sony January 4th, 2005. "Yeah, he's still working with us," Halford explained. "We're back in England in October to finish the overdubbing and the mixing, so it will almost be a year to the day, or the week, that we actually started this creative process, because as you know, me and Ken (K.K. Downing - guitar) and Glenn (Tipton - guitar) started writing in England last October and I think we're trying to get it all wrapped up by the end of this coming October to deliver in time for the drop date. Roy is doing an incredible job. It was a first time experience for him with the band and I think we've all agreed that he's brought all the right production elements and ideas and everything to the table. He's had a wonderful time with the band. For him it was a kick 'cause he's a massive Priest fan. It was kind of cool to see him working with Ken and Glenn for the first time. But there's a tremendous amount of friendship and respect for each other and he's working hard to make a great record with the band. Every Priest record is a co-production anyway because there's always three really strong character elements in Priest, you know, with Ken and Glenn and myself. It's a tough role for a producer to work with this trio because we are so tenacious and we know what we want and we work very hard to get the best things to happen. Sometimes there's some creative friction, as there should be, but at the end of the day we've nailed down all of these songs and they sound absolutely sensational."
Hmmm, Bruce didn't release a solo album back in 2002 due to Roy's work on Halford's "Crucible". Let's hope the Dickinson solo album will see the light of day.
Help me understanding what is the problem : there's no shortage of producer around the world. Why doesn't he work with another one if this one's never free ?
Because Roy Z is Bruce's lead guitarist too
So it means that Bruce Dickinson doesn't do all what he wants to do in the Band 'Bruce Dickinson' !
He has left Iron Maiden for less than that !
Maybe Bruce Dickinson will leave 'Bruce Dickinson' ???
Roy Z is Bruce's guitarist, plus they had already started to work on that new album, so they have to finish the work together.
Apparently they have been working on the album, on and off, since 2002.