New Eddie Toys
Here's an article from about some new Eddie figures. Although this post was made on the First of April it seems genuine enough....Amongst all the announcements made at ToyFair, was the news from NECA that they plan to release action figures and statues based on Iron Maiden's Mascot Eddie...
Amongst a number of new licenses announced by NECA at ToyFair was the fact that they had picked up an Iron Maiden license. Details were still being firmed up, but NECA did announce that they plan to release the following:
# 7” Action Figures Series based on the mascot “Eddie”. Figures
# Statues Based on 2 up of Action figures comes with signed certificate by all 6 members of the band.
# 18” Somewhere in Time Eddie with lights & movement.
At the time of ToyFair, no release date or retail prices had been set, however my good friend Nick, who is a big Iron Maiden fan, now knows what he'll be getting for future birthdays and Xmases.
Be(a)st regards,
Would have thought this was news rather than a rumour. Looks like a credible source to me
Very cool toys.
Nothing there about a releasing date.
I think if it's true, then the official site will update the fans about it.
I don't post news that often, so I don't know how and if I should be sure of a credible source...

Ah it's good enough for me. Let me just edit your post to make it more useable for the news page...
Moved to Iron Maiden News
I remember I posted about NECA doing this stuff a while ago.
Have a good friend that is an NECA Distributor, says they are going to have a great line of eddie figures coming out late summer.
If you go to the NECA website NECA and click on the products menu item, you can see an iron maiden tab (w/ Powerslave Graphic), it just currently does not take you anywhere.
Art Asylum is releasing 2 more "Mini-mates". A SiT and NotB.
The site only shows pictures of the faces. My avatar is the SiT.
Hehe looks cool.
somebody edited my origin post....
Yes you did. so i'll just wait and hope that the figures are cool, there are some quite awful eddie-figs out there now..