New Maiden Live Album Listed For November 22nd has listed a new Maiden live album, entitled Iron Live, for a release on November 22nd. The same site lists a new Bruce Dickinson album, currently without title, for a November 29th release (although the latest news on it predicts a 2005 release). Anyway, the Maiden album is most likely just another bootleg, as nothing else has been announced anywhere.11 Comments
Iron Live? It be nice though
It'd also be nice if they changed the name.
Sorry, Shadow, this is clearly a rumor for the moment.
The MusicMen list was released with a warning that it was unofficial and came from an unknown reader who could have made "inaccuracies"...
Moreover, the Maiden item was removed last week from the list.
It's not on any vending list and the list could have mixed the item with the more probable DVD which is already mentionned in Maidenfans news.
All these histories of live DVDs, DoD DVDs, live albums, Maiden and Bruce albums are very confusing... and none of them is very accurate
The MusicMen list was released with a warning that it was unofficial and came from an unknown reader who could have made "inaccuracies"...
Moreover, the Maiden item was removed last week from the list.
It's not on any vending list and the list could have mixed the item with the more probable DVD which is already mentionned in Maidenfans news.
Germany distributor (for Sanctuary Records) leaks all Sanctuary info to www shops.
I know that they do that, but here it's only one shop listing the item. It might just be a confusion with the DVD.
Plus, the item disappeared, so I can't put it back as news. You know a headline in the rumor forum is not worse than one in the news forum

This album rumours of maiden and Bruce should stop.
They make a lot of confusion.
If there is something finished and available of both artists, it should be announced on the official site or here.
I cant wait for a Live album. Iron Maiden puts on one hell of a live show.
I guess the thing is the DVD indeed. Read the latest about this story:
these sites list it as well
these sites list it as well
Well, these are pretty much copies of the first list released by Musicmen...