New Network Partner
Maidenfans would like to announce the return of its Blaze Bayley devoted sister site - site is run by Real World and Madgirl and launched this morning with a new layout, new live photos, new fan pics and more.
Theres lots more to come from the site including some exclusive interviews throughout this month. So for all the very latest on B L A Z E and Blaze Bayley, go to
As soon as you have a decent banner, I'll add you to my BLAZE links!
I'll make sure I get one then
Congrats ! What's the story behind the site being taken back from someone ?
Great site!
Maverick, does this mean you're gonna write a never-ending commentary on Blaze too?
You must be joking! I'd need 72-hour days!
I only mentioned the links!

i really want to get into Blaze, i have the occasional song I have downloaded. Speed of Light is a great track, as is Stare at the Sun, but i want to find an album.. what would be a good one to start with as an introduction album?
As live as it Gets probably since it has tracks from the first two albums plus Maiden and Wolfsbane tracks. B&B is my favourite album thoguh
You could ask a different person this question and get a different answer each time. I'd say Silicon Messiah, because in my opinion, it's one of the finest metal albums of all time.
All B L A Z E sites have been suspended....
Did they forget to pay ?
They're back now