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Iron Maiden


Nicko McBrain Leads the Molten Metal Mambo

on December 25, 2004 @ 18:54

The San Francisco Examiner ( has issued the following report in regards to the recent Narada Michael Walden holiday benefit at which one of the guests was IRON MAIDEN drummer Nicko McBrain:

The best part about the holiday season is the chance to get together with all those people that you don't see the rest of the year. You know, you meet someone, and then you plan to "get together." You call me, I'll call you, have your people get in touch with my people. But then again, you never actually call them, do you? The business card goes into the drawer and you find it two years later and can't place the person.

So we have Christmas, when you can get back together with all those people you miss during the year. As Kevin Gilbert said, "Life is what happens while you're busy making plans." First up was the Narada Michael Walden holiday benefit over in Marin last Friday. Best holiday party of the season? Easily. And we were expecting a fairly good turnout given Narada's contacts in the music industry, but even this was a bit much. When you look up at eleven o'clock at night and LOU RAWLS is making his way to the stage, you know you are off to the races.

Stacey and I spent a large portion of the evening with Nicko McBrain. Nicko is best known as the drummer for IRON MAIDEN, but he also proved to be quite the guide during the madness of that evening. He knows everything about everyone, and standing beside him was like being in an outtake of Spinal Tap. But the most surreal moment of the evening came when he was pulled up on the stage to back up GENE TRACY. She was doing her famous ‘Cha Cha Cha’ song. Now, you just haven't lived until you have heard Iron Maiden doing the Cha Cha Cha, yes? The Mill Valley Sheriff apparently thought so, because he came in, took one look around and walked right out again. Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore.

The rest of this article can be found here.

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