No Cameras Allowed for 2005 Tour
The finn promoter Welldone adds the latest on the forthcoming Eddie Rips Up The World Tour:Cameras and recording equipment are strictly prohibited. NO PHOTOGRAPHY - anybody taking a photo agrees that the rights to such photos are owned by Iron Maiden Holdings Ltd. Exploitation of any such unauthorised photographs in any media is expressly prohibited, other than by Iron Maiden Holdings Ltd. isn't able to say if by recording equipment, Iron Maiden's management considers that fans' bootleg are forbidden from now on.
Iron Maiden has been known of being very tolerant about the exposure of the band in sound or picture format.
Wow, what's the deal? I thought Bruce said it was okay, and they didn't care about the bootlegers..? Just that if everyone bought the DOD Cd, also. I know I did.
Often they have to say things like that. It also says no cameras on the back of any gig ticket but no-one really takes any notice.
Very true. I hesitated a lot putting this unapproved news in here because of that.
We don't need pictures of this tour : we have already pictures of the 'World Piece Tour' !
Its not going to stop anybody from doing it anyway. Ill be getting my new bootlegs of it next summer regardless Im sure.
I believe that Maiden is giving themselves legal basis to keep other people from making money off them - that's what 'exploitation' means to me, at least. I doubt they'll object to photos for personal enjoyment or free trading of boots. They'll only come after you if you sell your boots.
Also, note that this is being stated by a Finnish promoter. Maiden's legal standing in this matter may vary from country to country. For example, a US court decision a few weeks ago made all bootleg recordings legal in the US. They can still protect their image here, but they can no longer legally stop people from selling boots in the US. (I don't know whether or not they can try to prevent you from recording a boot in the first place.)
However, the law banning sales of boots was only overturned because of a technicality - this situation will not remain this way for long. I would guess that within a year, new laws will be passed to protect bands from bootlegs. Whether that happens before Maiden next comes to the US ... we'll just have to wait and see.
I do think the sale of bootlegs should be prohibited - that's leeching off someone else's music for your own PROFIT, unlike filesharing and normal bootlegging.
they cant do anything about it. somy guys is going to record and take pitures. the cant stop them. thats a fact.
this has been on the back of every ticket for the last two decades or something. it is not news and in my opinion has nothing to do with Iron Maiden's initiative. Nevertheless, I could imagine Maiden becoming less tolerant about it since they are now recording practicaly every gig they play and that could cause some hypothetical antagonism
in the same way that festival tickets say 'Absolutely No Fires'

What!? Bollocks! There goes my camp fire idea

This is really strange from Maiden.... I cant believe it.
They're getting a little commercial, dont you think so?
They're getting a little commercial, dont you think so?
As gor has said, this information is printed on the back of every concert ticket.
Indeed! Isn't strange that people pick up on such a puny detail?

Maybe they haven't read the back of any of their tickets...
Well... I'm sure there was nothing like that at the back of my ticket, which I got when I went to see them in Argentina...

I think its because this is a little more strangely worded than the average warning on the back of gig tickets
F*CK THIS S*IT!! This pissed me so much! i recorded every show i went to and no one will ever stop me! iam not selling them anyway more or less. this sucks. so many people that dont surf on internet are not going to see these informations. they will take their photo cameras instead as always. Band is not playing in small venues anymore and in places like Paris, it will be really hard. but theres always someone with camera or recorder, dont worry all the best from Maidens era was already taped so F*** THIS, IAM SO PISSED thanx to this
i have my methods to take my stuff inside the venue... if i had to hide my camera in my butt hole, i will
to jordevi : please change your photo, i hate this tshirt

i have my methods to take my stuff inside the venue... if i had to hide my camera in my butt hole, i will


One angry character...

Keep your hair on, mate!

hm, i know. everything about Maiden is saintly for me and when someone from management came with idea of not allowing fans to take pictures during their shows... thats terrible. another low point that i thought it will never happen. i was catched with video camera during show in Budapest 2003 during last song har har. but thats normal in hungary... Theyre telling everyone that Maiden fans are the best so why they do this? simply, stop talking about this, they cant find all the cams and everything
I wouldnt worry too mauch I cant see them stopping everyone with a camera. What about camera phones? Will they confiscate phones before gigs?
Video cameras should never be allowed but photos are fine imo
i've got video on my phone
Thanks Bravewords