Paul Di'Anno Attacked on Stage
Update:It seems the story was made up as numerous fans here at Maidenfans pointed out. Now has retracted. Here's what says: has retracted their initial report that former IRON MAIDEN singer Paul Di'Anno was attacked on stage during a recent show in Tel Aviv, Israel following strong denial from the promoters that any such thing had happened. The initial report was made two days after the on stage murder of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell in Columbus, Ohio. "are delighted to be able to correct this story and, of course, apologise to the promoters for suggesting this might have happened."
Original story:
According to, former IRON MAIDEN frontman Paul Di'Anno was attacked during his show in Tel Aviv, Israel on Friday (Dec. 10). A crazed fan apparently got onstage, and lashed out at the shaken singer. Fortunately, Di'Anno suffering only minor injuries, and was able to finish the gig.
Di'Anno performed in Israel as part of the Heavy Metal Monsters melodic metal festival, which is scheduled to conclude tonight (Dec. 11) in Haifa, Israel.
Di'Anno is reportedly playing a very long set consisting of 70 percent IRON MAIDEN songs and 30 percent his own material.
Ever think that the world has gone mad
Heavy Metal under attack ? Well, I think yes, especially in places like these !! (without mentioning...)
Get Well Soon Di'anno
damned - what a world!
Darrell killed - Di'anno hurt - what's going on???

Anyway long setlist -> 70 percent Maiden songs -> what I promised -he will sing on next Maiden Tour!
Believe me!
This is unbelievable
Seems that a security guard was able to control that freak. Anyway, it's stupid people like these who give metal a bad name.
Believe me!
Well, I hope so... and I hope he'll be in Paris on the 25th of June, next summer.
It will be great to see him perform live with Iron Maiden... just imagine him singing Sanctuary, Iron Maiden, Wrathchild along with Bruc... awesome !!

Actually, it's just a wish... but I really hope it will be realized !

Taken from IM BB:
The Message on BM is false!
I was there after the show yestarday, Paul got out of the Club surounded by 8 BodyGuards, some guy told Paul that he sucks and he ruined the Maiden classics on stage by trying to sing them with growling and in a punkish style, which is a total bullshit. Paul got pissed and tried to punch the dude while screaming "Bring it ON!" and the bodyguards didn't let Paul to do so they escorted him to his van and thats all. the true version. BM are bullshiting.
the show was awsome!
What's BM?

abbreviation from Blabbermouth

Ooooh! Alright!
Violence has never, and will never, solve anything...... hypothetically of course
Story one: TotalRock and Bravewords say that Paul got punched (two different sources)
Story two: Blabbermouth says that Paul got angry at a stupid fan...
*cough* tasteless attention seekeing *cough*
Believe me!
errr... that's what Dianno is doing for AGES now, playing the old Maiden stuff live. If you take that as a hint that he'll be touring with them, fine. I still doubt it. Who came up with that idea anyway?!

it was me!
Di'anno makes a living of trying to make fans angry, i saw him do it a couple times before!!! One time he was talking shit about maiden througout his show and some girl yelled at him: play "can i play with madness"!! Then he called her a whore and all this that he was going to kill her.
I didn't enjoy that part of the show very much..........
`kin idiot