Paul Di'Anno: I'd Like To Do One Final Maiden Tour
Paul Di' has posted a fresh interview with Paul Di'Anno, consisting of questions asked by Maiden fans from all over the world. Paul talks about his upcoming projects and also mentions that he'd love to do a last tour with Maiden. Here are some excerpts form the interview:How do you feel Maiden would of progressed had you never left the band?
That's a difficult question as I was never able to see into the future.However I reckon they would have maybe had a harder more aggresive approach if I were still in the band. Bruce is an amazing singer, but he never had the hard aggresive metal/punk madness that I have.
Would you like to participate in any future Maiden tours?
Yes I would like to make one final tour before we are all too old or one of us dies.
Dennis Stratton is touring with Jesse Cox (ex Tygers) & Al Atkins (ex Priest) and are only playing songs from Maiden, Tygers & Priest. Some people bashing you of for being "a Maiden-tribute" while those 3 can do whatever they want without being critisised. Any opinion on this?
Firstly I do not consider Dennis is worth talking about, as he is a telephone engineer, and often works at weekends in East London pubs (just for extra money) playing Robbie Williams and Kylie pop shit songs,and that is not metal, so he should have stopped pretending 20 years ago and stayed with his telephone job and stayed away from Metal.
Secondly I really do not think anyone really cares or gives a shit about Dennis, and I am surprised he is even remembered by anyone, especially as his playing was pretty bad land very old fashioned the last time I saw him play some years ago and quite frankly he was never really into metal as he was always a pop guitarist really.
People can think what they like about me, so long as I am still here and playing to many many Metal fans all over the world.
Read the complete interview here
Hasn't he already done one last tour with Maiden? That was the 1981 Killers World Tour!

Firstly I do not consider Dennis is worth talking about, as he is a telephone engineer, and often works at weekends in East London pubs (just for extra money) playing Robbie Williams and Kylie pop shit songs,and that is not metal, so he should have stopped pretending 20 years ago and stayed with his telephone job and stayed away from Metal.
Secondly I really do not think anyone really cares or gives a shit about Dennis, and I am surprised he is even remembered by anyone, especially as his playing was pretty bad land very old fashioned the last time I saw him play some years ago and quite frankly he was never really into metal as he was always a pop guitarist really.
People can think what they like about me, so long as I am still here and playing to many many Metal fans all over the world.
Read the complete interview here
Such a way with words
oh dear
Franky: will you ever release the Strange World version that can be heard on your website (sample) ?
Paul: Very very very soon indeed, so keep watching my website: for more news soon.
...that was the question I asked.
Thanks to diannofc for putting it in the interview. I'm so happy to learn that it will be released soon !!!!
Paul starts by saying, "Firstly I do not consider Dennis is worth talking about", then he goes on to talk about him.
Thanks Bravewords and Blabbermouth !
tour w Maiden is a great idea
i think one day it would be possible
What makes you possibly say that?

Keep dreaming!
I think that if this was ever to happen, highly unlikely, it wouldnt be such a bad thing, although there are only a few songs that he could actually sing, maybe let him sing one or two oldies on a tour. Harsh words about Dennis. Maybe he should lay off him, he played a part in maiden's history and in my opinion, the first album is definately one of their best.
Id love to see Paul front Maiden for a show. Bash out all the oldies. However, NO SOLO MATERIAL PAUL! Steve would have to put that in the contract.
Probably would never happen anyway.
They could have Thunderstick on the skins too. that would be good fun.
To be honest, I think Paul has a more fitting voice for some of the oldies. Bruce singing Wrathchild simply doesn't sound right. So it would be cool if he were to do a last tour, not that I think it will ever happen.
I've always had this vision of the very last Maiden concert having Paul come back to do one duet with Bruce.
Add Blaze, and we've got ourselves a trio

Keep dreaming!
Maiden always care of the fans.
see the forthcoming "retro" tour.
never say never.
I dont like Paul singing always the same early Maiden blockbusters but I like some solo stuff of his own very very much (Living Dead, Runner, Heartuser and many many more for example)

That would be awesome! The final maiden show: every band member that was around at the time of an album. Stratton, Burr, Blaze etc to play some classic songs from the albums that they contributed to.

Double drums
I didnt mean at the same time, but whatever floats your boat.

Motörhead is used to such family reunions. Sometimes it's pretty good and it's always fun.

I really don't understand the bash on Stratton by Di Anno. As someone said, he's a part of Maiden's history. As for his playing, not really impressed by it, as 'The Blonde Bomber's' playing was and is much better. As for a tour with Maiden, I don't think that would be a good idea. I haven't heard Di'Anno's stuff post Maiden, but I don't think it would be a good idea. A while ago, someone said that Di Anno was living off the two Maiden albums, therefore Nostalgia, which Maiden don't want to do. However, it would be cool for all the former members to do a song or two on Maiden's last concert, a sort of final farewell to the greatest Metal band in history!! As for Bruce not sounding good on Wrathchild, that's crazy!! He does a way better job with it than Di Anno, and its much cooler with his screaches and stuff!! I my opinion, Bruce is the best singer Maiden has had, followed by Baley, then Di Anno. However, there would be no Maiden without Di Anno, so give credit where its due. Cheers.
Di'Anno has nothing on Bruce.