Popstar Iron Maiden Fashion
Iron Maiden could be seen at the annual Christmas Lightning event in Lakeside, Essex, UK less than a month ago...Iron Maiden, the band ? Well, not really, but Michelle Eaton -the sexy singer from Liberty X- the band created by losers of TV show Popstars, was seen performing while wearing a rather unsual dress.
Her outfit was marked with a huge Iron Maiden logo outlined in yellow, in full 'Live After Death' fashion.
Will the Maiden evil shop sell this trendy item soon ?
Interesting. It's be nice if I could actually see the picture, rather than the thumbnail-sized image that you posted... Is there any way to enlarge that picture? I see no hotlink, or anything...
When there's no source link, it means that I gathered the information myself, mostly from relatives who attended and saw something concerning Maiden.
There's no story about this on the net, hence I write it and Maidenfans becomes the source. As you can see, I don't do it often, only on very trustworthy intel.
The picture is the proof. Sadly, I couldn't find a large one. I'm still looking but it seems that nobody was really interested on the web
It's called exclusive news and we thankyou for it

Yeah, thx Saint!

Anyway thanks Saint for the info.... and for the picutre !! Iron Maiden rocks

These are small as well: