Rod Smallwood Confirms Early Days DVD ! has just confirmed what Maidenfans had uncovered with the help of all its contributors:29/08/2004 New DVD in the autumn
You guys are always on the ball, and yes the rumours are correct.
There will be a Maiden DVD out in the autumn. It will relate to the early days of the band, and we will be giving you full details once they are in place.
Needless to say it will be amazing - never has so much been packed into so little space!
- Rod
29/08/2004 New DVD in the autumn
You guys are always on the ball, and yes the rumours are correct.
There will be a Maiden DVD out in the autumn. It will relate to the early days of the band, and we will be giving you full details once they are in place.
Needless to say it will be amazing - never has so much been packed into so little space!
- Rod

Can't to decide, Birthday or Christmas pressie
At last its confirmed...... I'll buy it when it comes out! or then for birthday present!
keep on rocking for maiden
what a great news for begin the day!
I hope it will be a live show from the dance of death tour!!
Woooo, cant wait!!! Now im excited!!!
Birthday = DVD
Christmas = SIT Eddie Figure.
I hope it will be a live show from the dance of death tour!!
Didnt... didnt it just say that it was from the early days of the band?
Does this mean no DOD dvd?
I'm not sure if I'll buy it. FIrst of all, i don't have a DVD player, and second, it'll be ver my economical posbilities.
I hope not.

An early days DVD is awesome, but I'd also like to see a DOD show.
Dont forget theres stilla rumour of a DoD DVD based on cut and paste footage from the entire tour
hasn't Steve said anything about a DoD-DVD, i think i've read it in the news some time ago.
This DVd isn't a Dance Of Death Tour DVD. This is a Early years DVD. I have heard that it has material like Live At Rainbow and Beast over Hammersmith.
Needless to say it will be amazing - never has so much been packed into so little space!
These are just the words I wanted to hear. A confirmed, early days DVD, fully packed, with great material.
I wonder, will the dvd have dolby digital 5.1 sound?
I would imagine that its going to have good sound.