SIT Eddie Figure to be Released in July
The National Entertainment Collectibles Association is releasing a new HeadKnocker based on Maiden's Somewhere In Time-era Eddie:"Can I tempt you? Come with me! This newest Eddie may fulfill your dreams! If I said I'd take you there, Would you go? Would you be scared? Don't be afraid! You're safe with me Safe as any collector can be...
So if you didn't already know, this newest Eddie HeadKnocker is based on Iron Maiden's classic "Somewhere In Time". Sculpted by Ray Santoleri and painted by Ed Repka, this awesomely detailed HeadKnocker will be heading out to stores in July.
Check back next month for information regarding our new 18" and 7" Eddie Action figures!"
Check the source link for pictures !
Source: NECA
Thanks Wrathchild666 and Braveword
Here's the front view picture:
From what I've read, SIT action figures (not the HeadKnocker) are in the pipe for October/November.
Pre-order is starting on some website.
that model is awesome!! i want one
Looks great!
Anyone know how much these things go for?
Thanks the Saint.
that is nice
Anyone know how much these things go for?
i was wondering the same thing, ive been after some iron maiden models but been unsuccesfull in getting some. i would really like this one

It's normal

Anyone know how much these things go for?
the other two headknockers are sold for approx 15 Euros, that would be 10 GBP. Good price, I'd say
cheers mate
Thanks...and what a good price

I can't wait to see the "18 Eddie Action Figure! That'll be awesome.
Thanks, Saint.
Thanks Blabbermouth.
i want to buy one, does anybody know the price?
I wonder if the producers have noticed that the head is to big
I'm buying this one fur sure.
Thought you might find this interesting
there awesome thanks for showing them
I really want these!