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Steve Wray Posts Interview on B L A Z E Forum

on May 14, 2004 @ 13:16

Steve Wray, the guitarist of B L A Z E, has posted an interview done very lately on's forum. To read the complete interview, go here.

Some excerpts of the interview:

12°/ Are you choked if i compare you (both John & Steve) at Dave Murray et Adrian Smith, regarding complementarities and styles differences?

I consider Smith and Murray to be fantastic genre defining Guitarists, to be mentioned in the same breath as them is a great honour, thank you!

14°/ Can you tell us some word regarding new album « Blood & Belief ». Some rumours say it’s more like Silicon Messiah, is it right?

A: Sonically the new album is closer to SM, there’s a certain body to the low end which we somehow missed on “Tenth…” Musically I would say it’s just an Evolution of our creativity, overall the arrangements are simpler but the actual rhythms and melodies are, I think, more interesting. It’s difficult to know how people are going to take it. I think that we are a lot more modern a band than people give us credit for. I really don’t like this “classic metal” label that people give us. I think we’ve been a lot more contemporary than that since day one.

20°/ What are your ambitions for 2004?

I really want to see people give us the break that we deserve. It seems like Bayley being in Maiden for a time has become a stigma for us. Too many people won’t give him a chance because they did not like the stuff he did with Maiden. That’s really not fair because if our tunes were on an Ozzy or Metallica album they’d be selling bucket loads!

Source: Planetblaze Forums


Anonymous said:

The complete un-edited post:

"Not that anyone seems to be interested but for what it's worth (and as the Brandy is all but gone and I'm drowning my sorrows re- the postponed Czech dates...) here is the Interview I did for


1°/ What has been your respective carrier before joining BLAZE ?

A: Hi there, I did the usual stuff before joining Blaze, my first serious band was an eclectic covers band that did everything from Vintage Deep Purple to Satriani to Metallica and Sabbath covers. We did instrumentals and songs. The whole thing was a bit mad really but a lot of fun. After that I formed a band with my brother (Martin, who is a major shredder!) in the early 90’s. We were called Swampdiva and we did a couple of kick ass demos and some good gigs too, the music was similar to Pantera or maybe Machinehead but it also kind of reflected the commerciality of Faith No More of whom I was a massive fan. Our singer was a guy called Matt Pollock, he later ended up in Kill 2 This for a while and our drummer was Ben Calvert who also joined Kill 2 This (to replace Jeff Singer no less!, the original blaze drummer), Ben has since played with Sack Trick and was also in Vex Red. Swampdiva had quite a lot of interest (Sony called a couple of times expressing interest, stuff like that…)

2°/ After seeing you live, it seems you’re (guitarists) really pleased to play together. Where you in a same band or did you play together before?

A:John and I didn’t know each other prior to auditioning for Blaze, I remember meeting him at the auditions and having a quick chat. We have a really good Chemistry between us; we’re the best of friends on and off the stage, he’s sort of like my little brother, we’ve even started writing a comedy script between us in our spare time because some of the stuff we come out with when we’re drinking is fucking hilarious!. Also we complement each other musically very well and I think we’ve learned a lot from each other. John’s a left handed person in all but Guitar playing which means he has a lot of strength and control over his vibrato. String bending and phrasing have always been things I wanted to work on and watching John play has really helped with that. I’d like to think I’ve helped him with some fast picking ideas but you’d have to ask him!

3°/ Your guitars are really Heavy. For me you’re totally opposed at what “Metal” sound in your country for years. You certainly had to be determined to still play such music?

I don’t know, you can’t really play anything other than what’s in your heart otherwise what’s the point? Metal to me has always been cool but the UK media has very rarely reflected that notion. It’s great that a band like “The Darkness” can get the kind of recognition they are doing, it’s just a shame that it has to become comedic before anyone will take a UK band seriously! An odd irony don’t you think?

4°/ How did you met Blaze Bayley and how did you incorporated the band?

Bayley put adverts out in the UK rock press, at the same time I had an advert out because my band had just split up. Blaze called me one night and was grilling me for ages, I didn’t know it was him to start with but we chatted for a while and really got on. He invited me to audition and try some writing the rest as they say is history.

5°/ Your tours have lots of dates, but there’s also lots of breaks. Does being member of BLAZE is enough for living? If not, what are you doing when not touring?

Prior to As Live As it Gets we were working pretty much constantly on the road. The last year or so has been difficult, Financially we are fine when were on the road so I think we’re gonna stay there on this next album!

6°/ As you played some songs, how do you judge Blaze evolution from Wolfsbane to BLAZE ?

Honestly, I was never a big Wolfsbane fan, I’m not really a party rock kinda guy unless it’s classic Kiss or early Van Halen when to my mind that kind of attitude made sense. Because of this we are pretty selective about the Wolfsbane songs that make it into the live set. The Maiden stuff with Bayley didn’t really work for me. I had lost interest in Maiden around “7th Son ..” having played some of the Xfactor and Virtual XI stuff live I must confess that much of my misgivings about the material were due to the poor production on those records.

I think that Bayley is still learning and evolving, he’s not scared to try new things, which is good. He doesn’t really look at music from a musician’s point of view, which is sometimes a blessing but also sometimes makes things very difficult.

7°/ You look o take lots of pleasure live and meeting fans after shows, does that kind of life was a dream for you ?

A: Absolutely, I’ve wanted exactly this since I was nine years old. Either to do this or to become a Jedi Knight which I later learned was impossible so I swapped my Lightsabre for a Guitar!

8°/ I saw you in indoor venues and in festivals, what is your favourite condition?

A: I like festivals because it’s a big event, an occasion. Performance wise I prefer medium sized indoor venues like “The Docks” in Hamburg or Z7 in Pratteln, Switzerland. It kind of depends on the vibe of the day though. We played a basketball arena in Athens with Savatage and that was massive and noisy but it kicked Ass!

9°/ How do you feel when you’re onstage in a festival like Wacken with?

At big festivals I feel focused and energised, almost angry beyond belief. I think that kind of energy is needed to make a big stage work. I jump on that energy and sort of ride it. It’s sort of competitive really.

10°/ I saw you live 4 times and my favourite show was Gods Of Metal en 2002. What souvenirs did you keep from this one?

We got some of the best onstage photos of us from that show. A very talented French photographer called Sabine took some killer photos. We also have a “we Love Blaze” banner that the crowd through onstage.

11°/ I have been sad by Rob Nailor and Jeff Singer departures. Can you explain us why they left BLAZE?

A:It wouldn’t be fair for me to say why they left, that’s up to them. Let’s just say that this is a very very tough industry to be in for so many reasons. For the record I’m really sad to the guys go too, we are still the best of friends and have jammed together since the split.

12°/ Are you choked if i compare you (both John & Steve) at Dave Murray et Adrian Smith, regarding complementarities and styles differences?

I consider Smith and Murray to be fantastic genre defining Guitarists, to be mentioned in the same breath as them is a great honour, thank you!

13°/ You have both totally different material and settings, can you detail them for us (guitars, amplifications, effects, etc..) ?

Our gear has become more and more similar actually. When we started I was using a Rack with all kinds of stuff in it and John was Mr Simplicity (in terms of equipment, I’m not being rude about his intellect!) These days Live we both use Peavey XXX heads and a couple of effects and that’s it. I got sick of stuff breaking down and having a watery sound so these days I just keep it simple. It’s my Jackson guitar, EMG pickups a Wah pedal and the Amp. I’ve even got sick of using wireless systems unless it’s a big gig like Wacken, which is unavoidable.

14°/ Can you tell us some word regarding new album « Blood & Belief ». Some rumours say it’s more like Silicon Messiah, is it right?

A: Sonically the new album is closer to SM, there’s a certain body to the low end which we somehow missed on “Tenth…” Musically I would say it’s just an Evolution of our creativity, overall the arrangements are simpler but the actual rhythms and melodies are, I think, more interesting. It’s difficult to know how people are going to take it. I think that we are a lot more modern a band than people give us credit for. I really don’t like this “classic metal” label that people give us. I think we’ve been a lot more contemporary than that since day one.

15°/ What is writing process inside BLAZE?

We sit in a room for 10 hours at a time and argue a lot! Ha!

16°/ How much time did you take to record « Blood & Belief » and where did you record it?

We recorded B&B at Andy Sneaps new studio in Derbyshire. It’s set on an old dairy farm in rolling English countryside, very pretty but fucking cold in winter!

17°/ How can you explain that Andy Sneap can catch real BLAZE power like he do?

I think that the secret ingredient in Andy’s production is the fact that he’s a guitar player. What’s more is that he’s always been into the heavier bands in the genre. Basically he likes loud clear guitars and everything else has to fit with that…which is fine by me!
19°/ For me this live album is the best live release for 2003. You must be really proud of it as it sound like you are?

Yeah, I think we were all really blown away when we heard the final mix. We always thought we sounded more exciting live and I think that album really catches the energy and fun we have when we play.

20°/ What are your ambitions for 2004?

I really want to see people give us the break that we deserve. It seems like Bayley being in Maiden for a time has become a stigma for us. Too many people won’t give him a chance because they did not like the stuff he did with Maiden. That’s really not fair because if our tunes were on an Ozzy or Metallica album they’d be selling bucket loads!

21°/ Steve, do you still think that during your solos, we won’t be able to hear the audience like Blaze always say live ?

That’s the plan!, I’m having an Amp built like the one in “Back To The Future” ready for the next tour! Ha.

22°/ I really like « The Brave », what that song talk about?

It’s about not giving in or surrendering, we’ve quite a few songs along these lines. It’s very close to Bayley’s heart. When he left Maiden he had to decide whether to carry on and he did. That’s “The Brave”

23°/ How do you build a setlist for a live performance?

Rob once said in an interview that we spend ages working it out, make fine adjustments, a tweak here and there, refine it some more and then I say "“yeah like that but let's play it all backwards!” I think he hit the nail on the head!

24°/ I love Maiden but i clearly prefer BLAZE to play its own songs, like “Speed Of Light” or “Ghost In The Machine”. Do you think you will again so much Maiden songs during future tours?

We haven’t really talked about this yet but I think the plan is to play less Maiden as time goes on.

25°/ Some last words for our readers?

Thanks so much for reading this. Please check the stuff out if you haven’t already.



So now you know!"


#7615, May 14, 2004 @ 13:17

Anonymous said:

Thanks a lot.

#7616, May 17, 2004 @ 09:15

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