The Ice Cube Incident
On the second night in L.A., while Bruce was making a speech announcing that it was the 20th anniversary of the release of Powerslave, some idiot started throwing ice cubes on stage.Bruce came to a stop, stared at the guy for a good 20 seconds and went on angered: "Why don't I just go home", to England? After falling over on this stage from 7 feet high on Friday night, he said that it hurted a lot, that he got bruises and he didn't need some idiot to throw ice cubes and make the stage wet again.
"Why do you pay money?" went Bruce on, asking the guy if it was to throw things at the band, before mentionned that Adrian Smith was apparently already hit by a beer bottle before the intro of 'Paschendale' the night before.
Finishing his rant, he described the person as " dickhead", that he was only "1 in 5000" and that he should "fuck off".
Hopefully, the crowd, knowing every verse of every song, including the new ones, made Bruce recover his smile.
Funnily, on 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' at the same time of his accident on the night before, he pretended to take a dive into the drum kit

Thanks to vansmack, The Tiger and Khan for the head's up.
You can hear it here:
Bruce angry on MP3
The funniest thing I've heard this 'kin day!!
(And I mean to Bruce's response to that a**hole.
Bruce just know how to respond to these kind of stupid, really stupid people.
Seriously, I've been hearing a lot of things of this type that happened in Maiden gigs.
For example, the thing with the beer that ruined the sound system @ Hammerstein, NYC.
And now this ice cubes thrown at Bruce.
I would suggest those a**holes who want to ruin Maiden gigs to stay at their homes and don't go and do stupid stuff in any Maiden gig.
Thanks Saint for the mp3!.
Nice one bruce!!! Why don;t the guy throw things at his grandma instead!! I bet that ******* wont see Iron Maiden again cause if the rest of the fans reconise him, he will be in shit load of trouble
Yeah, and it makes me wonder if he even got out of the arena without a few bruises or worse. I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I hope he didn't - I hope some Maidenfans gave him a righteous asskicking!
This was a really stupid thing to do, throwing ice cubes I mean, but I DO hope the guy who did it was NOT hurt afterwards. I don't think being as stupid as dummies is a right answer...
Anyway, I suppose he was, which is a shame.
Some people can be so ignorant and stupid. Go Bruce for telling the minority of people like that what he really thinks. I totally agree.
There are such idiots, why pay money for a gig with a band and then go and throw ice cubes?
I don't even think it was a matter of hating Bruce or hating Maiden. I think it was just a very misguided attempt for recognition. Stupid idiot, I hope for his sake he was drunk.
If you want recognition, throw a thong onstage like someone did, that was funny. Or make an I Love Bruce Dickinson shirt like me and show it to him during the concert. Or make a fucking banner or something. Do something positive to show your appreciation for the band.
Bruce came to a stop, stared at the guy for a good 20 seconds and went on angered: "Why don't I just go home", to England? After falling over on this stage from 7 feet high on Friday night, he said that it hurted a lot, that he got bruises and he didn't need some idiot to throw ice cubes and make the stage wet again.
He talks about the centenary of something, not "Powerslave" me thinks.

He said Powerslave, though, right before he got hit.
There are stupids everywhere...
Sure there are.
I was there and I saw it with my own eyes... It was after The Trooper. The ice cube interrupted Bruce's speech. There was a long and terrifying pause (I was a bit scared), and you all should have seen Bruce's face at that moment. I've never seen him THAT angry! And after the pause he started cussing off the one who did it. Frankly speaking, I've never heard him cussing so much - even the GMETID tour rants were more ear-friendly! And then he said "Welcome to the dance of death" in a really angry voice - it seemed to me that he didn't want to do the song! But by the end of the gig he was smiling and ranting again!
I was there too. He was really mad, but later he apologized for losing his temper, and said something about this show being a great end to their American leg. I was worried he wouldn't be into the performance, but I think all was forgotten by the end.
Yeah, and when he did a rant before Journeyman he didn't say any swearing words!

I mostly just felt really disappointed, you know? Disappointed that a Maiden fan would do something like that. And I felt sorry that Bruce had to deal with that kind of crap.
I was absolute front and center in the pit. I think the guy who threw the ice was to the left in the pit...apparently some kids were going to find him after the show and beat him down, but I haven't heard anything more about it.
I was there, at the front row on the rail on the right, in front of Janick. I was scared, Bruce was soooooooo mad. Plus, I wanted to hear what he had to say about flight!
Link to the speech in my signature. (I stole it from "The Saint" sorry, but I love it so much, Bruce is so cool)
Bruce Dickinson is incredibly cool. I made an Iron Maiden mix for my friend a few days ago and included that rant.
This is off topic, but does anyone know if there are going to be bootlegs of the L.A. shows? I don't normally buy concert bootlegs, but this is just for the memories. Plus, Bruce said it's alright.
Speaking of which, did anyone see Adrian get hit with the bottle on Friday?
This is excellent, Mav !
i no he was pissed off,but that was very very funny.
Hail Bruce!
Blabbermouth reported about this yesterday
thanks a lot! that made my day!
you would imagine that everyone aroud the bloke would have started hitting him or something. that could have ruined someone's night however.
you go bruce
tell that a**hole off
Bruce came to a stop, stared at the guy for a good 20 seconds and went on angered: "Why don't I just go home", to England? After falling over on this stage from 7 feet high on Friday night, he said that it hurted a lot, that he got bruises and he didn't need some idiot to throw ice cubes and make the stage wet again.
"Why do you pay money?" went Bruce on, asking the guy if it was to throw things at the band, before mentionned that Adrian Smith was apparently already hit by a beer bottle before the intro of 'Paschendale' the night before.
Finishing his rant, he described the person as " dickhead", that he was only "1 in 5000" and that he should "fuck off".
Hopefully, the crowd, knowing every verse of every song, including the new ones, made Bruce recover his smile.
Funnily, on 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' at the same time of his accident on the night before, he pretended to take a dive into the drum kit

Thanks to vansmack, The Tiger and Khan for the head's up.
It was not the 20th anniversary of Powerslave, but the 100th anniversary of "powered flight"
No....he said "powered flight"
Thanks for updating this old news !
If that was sarcasm... you're welcome.
If that was not sarcasm... you're welcome.
If that was not sarcasm... you're welcome.

Was not sarcasm, don't worry.