Tour Dates for Sweden and Finland
Iron Maiden will play two shows in Scandinavia for their 2005 summer tour.The shows will take place in Helsinki, Finland and Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Finnish concert wil take place at July 6th at the Hartwall Arena. Price will range from 47 EUR to 51 EUR. Sale will start on Monday November 1 on Lippupalvelu.
Bruce Dickison himself confirmed to the Göteborgs-Posten that the Swedish show is scheduled for July 9th at Ullevi Stadium (cap. 60000). Tickets go on sale on October 25th.
Sources: Göteborgs-Posten, Expressen,
can we have a full translation?
Did you forget your brain somewhere? It is a full translation.

i think its kinda megalomaniac.
both of these towns are in finland and i dont think they could be filled (overall capacity is nearly 90,000!) if Maiden will play in other scandinavian coutries.
(to the contrary gig in paris could be sold because its only gig in france)
the biggest audience for Maiden in Finland was approx. 15,000 in open-air festival in Turku 2000.
(15,000 represents ordinary attendance in small countries such as Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary etc.)

you did.
i cant find any reference of 25. october ( "Biljetterna släpps den 25 oktober") which is date wghen the tickets are going to sale i think
Gothenburg is in Finland? Was there a massive earthquake last night that re-arranged the geography of Scandinavia?

both of these towns are in finland and i dont think they could be filled (overall capacity is nearly 90,000!) if Maiden will play in other scandinavian coutries.
(to the contrary gig in paris could be sold because its only gig in france)
Gothenburg (Göteborg) is in Sweden and Helsinki is in Finland.
Scandinavia map
oops, sorry, must forgot my brain
ullevi will be full for sure
both stadiums looks great
It happens to all of us at one point or another! That's no problem as long as you've found it again!

Capacity in concerts:
55 000 - 58 000 (Gothenburg Ullevi)
44 000 - 46 000 (Helsinki Olympic Stadium)
I really hope they're not going to choose to play Rock Am Ring/Rock Im Park for Germany again.
The rumour has it that the're going to give a street concert on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg

Mav, you know you shouldn't play with my feelings like that
Rumour or news?
Dates haven't been officially confirmed. Göteborgs-Posten is reliable source. I would say news. Truth is now, that Iron Maiden will play in Gothenburg, Sweden in July 9th and Finland. We don't know date and place in Finland yet. I am quite sure, that it will be in Helsinki Olympic Stadium. We know also, that Finland show will be before Gothenburg show. Date is July 6th or 7th.
I'd say we should open a new topic (without my crappy joke about the Reeperbahn) in the News Forum whenever these dates and venues are confirmed. What do you reckon?

great idea. i dont wanna another RAR/RIP but self-reliant gig (maimarktgelande mannhaim for example)
ullevi will be full im sure
but i have some misgivings about load factor in halsinki olympic stadium
Superrockgruppen Iron Maiden kommer till Sverige, uppger källor för
Den 9 juli intar gubbarna Ullevi i Göteborg.
- Det stämmer, bekräftar bandets sångare Bruce Dickinson för
Bruce Dickinson confirms, that Iron Maiden will play in Gothenburg Ullevi in July 9th.
Can the news team pick up on this one? (and delete this thread that has nothing to do there)
I'll move it to the main news forum. Both sources are pretty reliable and Maiden probably won't announce anything officially for some months anyway.
I find it quite crappy to not play in stockholm...
Far more crappy that they're not playing in Norway at all. Considering that they sold out Oslo Spektrum twice in 2002. I'm quite sure they will be able to sell out Valle Hovin as well (40000)
Was the second night at spectrum sold out too?
@Maverick: I wanna meet you someday! Great sense of humor!
Unfortunately, my sense of humour isn't to the taste of certain persons...

Well, we're all different, aren't we?

I was not able to get tickets, so i suppose it was sold out.....
WHY GOOOOOOOD WHY!!!!!!!! why dont they play in stockholm. fucking shit
Well then, guess I'll be seeing some of you in Göteborg then. Me likes Sweden
I'd love to see this Gothenburg show! It's gonna be massive!
Those of you who are from Stockholm - don't complain. You'll get probably the biggest Maiden headlining show ever (not festival) and it's not that far away anyway.
Well, if the tickets would go on sale in a week, should announce it very soon...
Sorry for not being fully committed to the news these days, but I'm moving soon and I'm painting all the walls of my new flat and it's quite a herculean task....
Anyway, I think that if a newspaper like this says Bruce confirms a date, it's newsworthy and Shadow was right to move it on here.
Sometimes the line between a news and a rumor is very thin and it's up to us to come with an editorial solution, even if it ends up being a false news.
About that idea of a newest forum on dates ? Well... wouldn't it be more simple to just have one news called "Forthcoming dates" pinned ? Then, it would also show first.
Furthermore, to avoid people asking the same questions about the current album, I could create a pinned topic about the current situation with both the Maiden album and the Maiden tour and we could update it every time there's something on this. Or two pinned topic: one about the album, one about the dates...
Another solution that I like less is having two forums: 'Maiden news' and 'other Maiden-related news' (meaning that Paul Di'Anno throwing concert dates every two days will be placed in the second one )...
The only BIG doubt I have about this, is that occasional readers and other news website who relay our news will end up only checking the Maiden news and not the others (see how less the rumor forum is visited).
So, all in all, for the moment, I'd say to leave it the way it is and if there's interest about a pinned topic about forthcoming events, I can create it.
Discussion opened
Altered the news with the new info found in this thread !
Iron Maiden @ Helsinki, Hartwall Arena 06.07 2005
Teatraalista sankarimetallia soittava Iron Maiden on brittiheavyn ehdoton kärkinimi, jonka muut alan yhtyeet Metallicasta Marilyn Mansoniin tunnustavat esikuvakseen.
1980 debyyttinsä julkaisseen Iron Maidenin kaunokirjallisia ja historiallisia aiheita vilisevät albumit ovat komeilleet maailman myyntilistojen kärjessä. Tummasävyisistä kappaleista uljaimpia ovat ”Run To The Hills”, ”The Number Of The Beast”, ”Flight Of Icarus”, ”Two Minutes To Midnight”, ”Wicker Man”, ”The Clairvoyant” sekä ”Fear Of The Dark”. Kolmastoista studioalbumi “Dance Of Death” ilmestyi 2003. Kolme kitaristia rivistössään sisältävän kokoonpanon keulakuva on Bruce Dickinson, joka on paitsi ryhdikäs heavylaulaja myös liikennelentäjä ja maailmanluokan miekkailija.
2005 Iron Maiden tulee kiertueen teeman – yhtyeen alkuvuodet – mukaisesti esittämään hittejä, joita ei ole aikoihin kuultu konserteissa. Tiedossa on musiikillisesti ja visuaalisesti mammuttimainen show, jossa yhtyeen maskotilla Eddiellä on keskeinen rooli.
Tickets 47€ and 51€. You can by tickets on monday 1.11 from Lippupalvelu.
Im living in Sweden and coudnot realy belive my eyes ´bout the Paris show and when i read about the scandinavian shows i was rely kicked out of my autumsadnes and realy turned on....
I have search my sourses on www and can only confirm that two newspapers writes artickels about the gig at Ullevi Gotenburg!
Here is a translated summery from
Bruce says that this will be one last chans for all fans to enjoy old maiden-songs, it will be a retro-tour and the boys will try to find the feeling form the past with all from Backdrops to songs that havent been played for long time. Next tour will be hanged up on a new album (if there will be any....?) so the summertour 2005 will be like "Give me ed..."-2003......
Tickets will be relased on OKT 25,2004 09.00 am
Let us all maideniers once and for all show how fast the tickets will be sold out and make Ullevi total sold out in a time that could place in Guinnes book of worldrecords....
Lets make this Ullevi-gig larger than the Metallica-gig in 2003 and show the people that there is only one Metalgigant.......
Thanks Bravewords and Blabbermouth
The Ullevi Stadium in full force !
And a plan: