Abduction to Be First Single for Tyranny Of Souls
According to various sources, 'Abduction', the second track on the forthcoming Bruce Dickinson solo album, 'Tyranny of Souls', will be the first radio single across the world.While Sanctuary USA has announced that no CD-single would be released in North American territories, rumors have it that plans for a Japanese and maybe a European 'Adbuction' CD single could be under way.
It seems that the 'Abduction' CD-single will be released on May 9, with 'Chemical Wedding (Live)' and 'Emblem of Hate' as B-sides.
Good because its clearly the best song on the album by a country mile
It's actually one of the weaker strong tracks. In my opinion Power of The Sun is the best song on the album, or the title track.

It's my perfect song. Exactly how I like them

actually, i think the "schwoup" sound in the begining and in the end of this song really makes it sound ace of base-like or whatever...
Rubbish. The strong tracks are (IMO) Abduction, Kill Devil Hill, Navigate the Seas of The Sun, The River of No Return, Power of The Sun and A Tyranny of Souls
... But I've yet to decide which is the best. Abduction is an excellent Bruce song and deserves single status..

Awesome! I love that song Any ideas on a possible release date?
Expect to see Believil as the second single, if they do it. They'll release one song for the metal fans and one for the pop crowds. Which won't buy it anyway, but whatever.
lot of songs sound to me just like speed-metal helloween or something like that. its boring. best songs are power of the sun, devil on a hog, River Of No Return, navigate The Seas Of The Sun, maybe A Tyranny Of Souls
abduction isnt the right song for single track - musically and comercially
Why do you guys already have this album? It's not even out yet!
By the way, Roy Z re-opened his website today:
Bruce Dickinson's TYRANNY OF SOULS is adorned with a 15th century depiction of hell by Hans Hemling and continues this theme to explore dark apocalyptic themes delving into science, theology and of course his love of flight, with heavy riff laden songs and explosive virtuoso guitar work from Roy Z.
If we told you, we'd have to kill you.
Turn on your MSN and maybe you'll find out!
Sheesh, gimme home internet access and I might do so