Ask Iron Maiden A Question, Get Paid for It
Q Magazine is running a "Cash for Questions" feature in its online magazine. Ask a question and if it gets answered you could pocket £25! Whats even better is that they are currently taking questions for Iron Maiden.Here's the article:
Next up in Q's Cash For Questions chair are metal legends Iron Maiden - put your questions to them and if they 'fess up, you pocket a cool £25!
There are endless possibilities... Is Eddie based on a real person? What did they think of Bad News? And does Bruce Dickinson have any salacious stories from his experiences as a pilot?
Send your question to and don't forget to add your name and address.
So get over and ask Maiden now here
Source: Q4Music
I've asked, mine was a cheeky question, might win me some cash though
I've sent my question... I hope they answer it!
i asked when the new album is coming out, and if they'll tour in New York soon
I asked if they view any maiden fansites and what they think of them

That's the best question out there !

My question:
Why isn't Hans Olav Solli in your Iron Maiden family three in the Eddies archive?
He was the first singer in Psycho Motel, (Adrian Smiths solo project)
I asked:
Is there a soundboard recording of the "Whole Population of Hackney "gig , and if so will it ever be released with maybe your history of Maiden series someday?
What do you think of co-headlining at Ozzfest ?
btw: it isn't only for british people, is it ?!
Q: What are each of your favorite Maiden albums?
I bet Steve's would be Piece of Mind and Adrian's would be Somewhere in Time, but I'm curious as to the rest of them.
I didnt ask when their new album is going to come out because there are tons of people who are going to ask their question.
I'm pretty sure Steve likes Killers the best, he once said something like that. But I agree about Adrian.
No, your quite wrong. Check this out for yourself.
i know that some ***** with his question like "when will iron maiden come to my town" will won and get his question answered, but heres my:
Question: How much does the band co-operate on releasing their materials (remasters, DVDs...) and why they never asked any Maiden fans to help them, because we so often find so many mistakes in their releases (wrong dates, wrong images…) cos some fan stuff like FC mags or books are sometimes better than the official.