Bruce Presenting BBC 2 Folk Awards
As announced, Bruce Dickinson was a presenter at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. He was invited on stage to present the Best Band Award to Oysterband Big Session.Before naming the band, Bruce explained how he ended up liking folk music in a time when people liked music and not genres of music.

He went on explaining how Iron Maiden escaped the BRIT awards by turning the invitation down, Bruce having a much more fun thing to do: present the Folk Awards !
He also joked on the fact that no music that was performed on that night could be used as a mobile ringtone.
If you want to see him in action, follow that link.
Source: BBC Radio 2
Moved. Watching the movie if there's something to report from the video.
Fuckin' real player

Edited the news to make a story.
The video is nice to watch, Bruce being witty and his usual nice self.
I think we'll see more and more of Bruce on TV... It's inevitable
I love Bruce's attitude towards music. Why should we restrict ourselves to listening to just one genre? I love Maiden, they have been my favourite band for 15 years now, but I also love folk music, jazz, blues, etc. I just see two types of music: good music and bad music.
That is right. By listening different types of music you can enjoy the music much more. The variety of music is what it mkaes it interesting.
I really hope to see more Bruce in T.V. cause he is such a sympathic and interesting person to watch.
Besides, we all know that Maiden is the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be, I guess.
Does anyone know how can I save the video of Bruce's speech?
I think there's a program called 'Real Alternative' that can do that, but I'm not sure (you should remove Real Player first however).
Another name I remember is 'MPlayer'.
Sorry not to be of more help.
Found this on Google, might be of some help:
Thanks a lot!