Bruce Promises New Maiden Album
At the first gig into Maiden's new world tour, Bruce confirmed to the fans that the new Iron Maiden album would come by 2006.First hinted by Nicko, this information was recently repeated by Bruce who told a magazine that the band would enter the studio in November 2005, allegedly for writing sessions.
Bruce also mentionned that Maiden started rehearsing only eight days ago, confirming early reports. will let you know in the coming couple of months if the frontman announces anything new through his famous rants during the gigs.
Thanks to vafant
so next year they maybe hit the road again after the album reales? that would be great after bruce's album too... wasn't there a dvd coming too? i think next year is going to be a realising year for maiden.
just like every year is ?
yep (of course
If the new album is anything like DOD it will be horrible!
Hopefully they will leave their theatrical sound and go back to hair metal.
Oh please, shut up!
i think it will be a new brilliant maiden album as always
This kind of statement is certainly quite stupid. Maiden haven't released albums that are all brilliant. How can you judge an album when the songs are not even yet written?!!
You haven't shown much in the brains department, but this really takes the biscuit!

No, you shut it now. This will probably be my last post on this site, since I have requested to be banned, but I just can't let this go by. DOD was NOT heavy metal, it was POP-ROCK with a mix of CHRISTIAN-ROCK.
Come on people, all opinions should be accepted in here. If someone hates DOD so be it. If someone loves DOD, so be it.
But stay kind.
Have you now? Wouldn't it make more sense to just leave the board and stop posting? A ban may no be necessary... not that I'll complain if this really is your last post!

I loved DOD, who cares what genre it was? My favourite genre is power metal but I still love Maiden. Its fine for somebody to have their own opinion but please, dont slag off the album in every post you make, it gets repetetive and annoying.
You should have bought a different album. My "Dance of death" CD is a heavy metal album with nice 70s prog-rock influences included.
Thank H!

Stop putting each song into those catergories. You're wrong on both counts. While I believe that the songs you mentioned are the weaker in the album, I dont think they're all that bad.

Why do you do this? I didn't ask you too agree with me, but mostly everyone would agree that Wildest Dreams and Rainmaker are commercial! I also said that I do not believe that DOD was the bands WORST, just my least favorite. I also said I think Montsegur is OKAY. You are starting to scare me, looming in the shadows, waiting to prounce!
I thought you had already made your last post here?
Who cares if Wildest Dream or Rainmaker are commercial???
Maiden have done some great commercial songs in the past like Can I play with madness, or the wickerman, futureal, and nobody have find something to say about it if the songs are good or not.
We can't judge a maiden song with this because even if it's commercial, doesn't mean that the band did it just for having it on mtv.
And if you think a short maiden song is a commercial song, then you have a lot of short maiden songs which could be commercial songs...
Maiden can't do the same albums in their all carrier and it's normal to try to do something different after all this years.
We just have to listen it like it is and not try to comparate it with the old stuffs every time.
And I think it's stupid to restart a new topic to say if Dance Of Death is a good or a bad album, which we already done before when it was released.