Bruce Solo Album Tyranny of Souls Due May 23 !
The long-awaited Bruce Dickinson solo studio album is finally confirmed.It will be named 'Tyranny of Souls' and will be released on May 23, 2005. The european release date is confirmed by the Spanish distribution company. It remains unknown if the rest of the world will get a simultaneous release.
Here's what the latest edition of UK Classic Rock as to say about this:
Bruce Dickinson's sixth studio album has now been mixed. A Tyranny of Souls is the singer's first solo work since The Chemical Wedding in 1998 and his subsequent return to Iron Maiden. Overseen by Tribe of Gypsies guitarist Roy Z, who came to Dickinson having finshed Priest's Angel of Retribution, it sees Bruce picking up where he left off seven years ago.
"With this album, Maiden were completely off my radar scope," he told Classic Rock at an exclusive preview of the album, due on May 23. "I was worried that I couldn't follow ...Wedding, which was a real statement of identity for me. It needed to be very heavy, which it is, but also to throw a few different elements into the mix."
Typically for Dickinson, the album was born in unusual circumstances. Having been supplied with a set of Roy Z riffs, the singer wrote the lyrics in various hotel rooms while touring with Maiden. The music and vocals were recorded at Roy's house -in a room containing just one bed. Bruce explains: "I'd ripped some muscles falling off stage and was in absolute agony. I had to lie down every few minutes."
Roy Z plays all the guitars, and an associate -secretively called Maestro Mysterioso- contributed the keyboard parts by email.
While Chemical Wedding was largely inspired by the occult science of alchemy, a loose theme of aviation and sci-fi binds together 'Kill Devil Hill', 'Abduction' and a number of others.
With summer commitments to Iron Maiden, it's unknown when Dickinson will find the time to play any solo dates. He says: "A few years ago, I did some summer festival gigs. That might be another window of opportunity."
Read also what Roy Z, the producer, has to say about the new Bruce album here.
The May 23 release date has been confirmed by Sanctuary.
Many many thanks to IRON EDDIE 666 for the scan and to Henrik J for the Sanctuary contact
Mmh... as you say, Shadow, some parts of this interview seem over-the-top.
We'll know soon enough.
Apparently, the May 23 is a lock from what EMI Spain says.
Will double-check.
Not sure, it seems to have been made up by putting together a number of rumours that were going around and snippets of other interviews... I remember that he was in agony from straining a couple of muscles and I have read somewhere else that he was writing and recording some stuff at that time during the Maiden tour...
I wonder why they can release the album title and song titles before any official statement has been released, that is not the way that Bruce's management normally works.
The release date matches the other rumoured dates I guess...
It's possible, but it remains to be seen! I am really looking forward to it though.
Will double-check.
Word it's not from EMI Spain, but from the Spanish distribution company for the Sanctuary stuff. They confirmed me that release date yesterday.
Thanks. Keep checking for more !
But they didn't confirm that title (or any Majesty of Gaia-Twins of Fate title either), I guess ?
But they didn't confirm that title (or any Majesty of Gaia-Twins of Fate title either), I guess ?
Nope, but 'Kill Devil Hill' makes sense, as Bruce has said that one song is about the Wright brothers and that's where they made their first flight.
Still I wish that somebody, either here, at Screamforme or on the IMBB would confirm that article by checking the issue of Classic Rock.
Usually, it gets faster accross the Maiden community.
Usually, it gets faster accross the Maiden community.
I have got it and i have confirmed it on the screamforme forumss. Heres a scan i did:


Confirmed, so moved to main news. Pinned it for a while, since it's the most important news for some time to come (til Ozzfest is confirmed )
Sorry to those I didn't believe !
Can't wait.. but I'm going to have to! Sounds pretty great..
f***ing great!
Thanks to Blabbermouth and Bravewords for relaying the news.
I've even seen the new album mentioned here as well. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia
I did it

may the 23rd? cool a good present for my birthday, Bruce! Bruce!
Great news I'll put it in the diary
Wohoo! finally a release date!
Added in the Calendar already (is it what you meant by diary ?).
Air Raid Siren Web Site
For all the italans Bruce's fans here are all latest news!
Great news, i'll be havin' me some of that
May 23d is very long away

It's well worth the wait!

No I meant my own diary but cheers anyway

This is excellent news !!
Some tracks should begin to leak into those....*ahem*, unofficial mp3 download sites. Ill be looking.
maybe some track cold be free to listen/download in advance like Maidens "wildest dreams" or Priests "revolution"
Yeah and no doubt a load of people will rename their MP3 files to fool people too

Doubt these files would already be on the Net. He's less high profile (thus, less a target) than Maiden, which BNW songs (4 of them) could be found prior the release (the Napster days...).
But, as RW says, you'll have people naming other songs with these names to fool others.
I would like to thank the cool for reporting our news ! I think it's a first !
Hmm. "A Tyrany of Souls" or just "Tyrany of Souls" I wonder
Bruce rules! I knew that he wouldn`t let Roy go away... Amazing news. The Tyranny Of Souls is a good title. Though my birthday is 17`s may, it`s a great present. THANK`S MR. DICKINSON!!!
Hello, I'm new on this forum
New Bruce's solo album is amazing news !!!!
I think this is going to be a master piece from the master.
People, like my photo? tell smting about it.
That's illegal -

Be(a)st regards,
Amm.. yeah, probably. ANYWAY MAY`s COMMING!!!!!!!!!!!
well illegal or not i'm bored of listening to it... i got it since april 1st and hell i wasn't no joke.. but i gotta say the second Abduction and last track Tyrrany of souls rock the shit out of anyone.. i think those are the greates tracks on the album.. all of it is kewl though
ohh yea some bits of lyrics for you guys.. as a teaser i'm not sure if they are 100% correct i'm not brit and my english ain't so good
From Abduction
Shining gleaming black as night burning all the light
What do you want from me i sense your mastery, there's something you will never find
So have your way with me........ never free
Wake me up leave me behind
Are you the truth to sit and judge my time my sins
From A Tyranny Of Souls
A Tyranny Of Souls ............
speaking tongues of fire
Inflaming our desires watching as we die
Rips the child out from the womb
Raise the dagger..........
At the crack of doom on judgement day
No ocean can wash my sins away
Yes. man. the text`s great. as always, though. you know, now you can even buy this album with 11 $ (!!) of course, they`ll bring it to ya as soon as it is in shops, but it`s very, very alluing.. )