Bruce to Record Album with Cover Songs
According to Rock Tribune ( a Dutch Rock magazine), Bruce Dickinson is going to record a new album with only cover songs in 2006. He would be collaborating with Roy Z once again. Also, we may expect to see a few European solo concerts in 2006source: Rock Tribune
He already said it when Tyranny Of Souls was about to come out and he had already choosed the songs! Guess it will be great!
It's not just Maiden that's become a cabaret act, Bruce too!
Moved to Iron Maiden News
Maybe he'll cover some Maiden songs
personally this doesnt excite me much...he should focus on the new maiden album instead of this vanity project
I'm not too excited about this either. One thing I always admired about Bruce and Maiden was that their music is 100% original. If Bruce wants to do cover songs, fine, but this shouldn't interfere his activities; I want to hear only Bruce songs on his next tour (and maybe throw in "Flight Of Icarus" in the encores, but not more).
I could not agree more.
We already did cover the news... Bis repetita.
It's fine with me that he likes the cover songs, even live. But why one full cover album at once? I hope that he will cover better songs than Maiden usually did.
I think this is a thing that we would critisize if it was about Metallica....
I can't wait to hear the songs but i also agree that he should focus more on the new maiden album.
As for the tours, i really hope he plays in Greece!!!!!!
Hey,think a little folks,maybe it is already recorded! Maybe he had already done it within the sessions of Tyranny Of Souls and i don't think it will take his focus out of the Maiden camp. And i don't think that doing cover versions is something that will 'blur' his career,'cos the bands that influenced him will always be loved by Bruce and he won't have a hit single by a cover again like All The Young Dudes and if it happens,will be natural,with no 'made to be a hit ' cover version! Even 'cos the bands he likes are liked by the real metalheads,not by fucking stupids who are into radio airplay and mtv.
JEFFMETAL, could you please consider leaving a space between a comma and the next word? Thanks.
I told once that it's something i'm working out to improve. It's my way of writing, and sometimes i do right (in your point of view), like now. Cheers...

Every band that releases a cover album is critisized. Besides Metallica has already released Garage days and I heard nobody complaining about that album.
It's a Belgian magazine. Not that it matters though. The language is still Dutch!

Garage Inc. is probably the ultimate covers album! It shows that if done well, covers (perhaps interpretations is a better term) can be very relevant and rise above their usual B-side or bonus track status.
I'm looking forward to Bruce doing covers. It's been an age since Maiden did any decent covers (for B-sides), and it'll be really interesting to hear Bruce's take on his influences. I'd love to hear him do 'Child in Time'. Roy Z's involvement should also guarantee a quality album.
I think that would be a good cd. If he takes songs we haven't heard him do before. Like all the Young Dudes forexample.
Bruce infact had taken an indirect shot at Metallica about Garage Inc. In one of the reunion interviews I remember him saying: "...we're not back to do a farewell tour or to make a record of all our childhood favorites like some bands seem to be doing, we're back to write a new album" or sth along those lines
True, but that doesn't mean that he was never going to record some covers to have some fun. From what I remember, Bruce just wanted to state that Maiden was going to keep on releasing new stuff to show they are still relevant. Anyway, we know that Bruce loves the recent Metallica efforts...
yeah, sure, just like Tyranny of Souls...

Roy Z is overrated. Full stop

Roy Z is overrated. Full stop
So, according to your great wisdom, Roy Z is overrated. How? Try giving examples instead of just making petty statements.
Tyranny of Souls is a patchy affair when compared to AOB or CW, but that’s as much to do with Bruce as Roy Z. Does that mean Bruce is also overrated?
I think that they should focus not in releasing a lot of compilations every year... they´re getting commercial, and I dont like it.
And a covers album, IMO, is another commercial movement.
I'm not telling that I wont like it... but it show some lack of creativity....
I only think the cd should be cheap.
about 10 €. It's only a cover cd!
Production-wise, "Tyranny Of Souls" was a disappointment. It's too sterile for my taste and lacks the intensity that made "The Chemical Wedding" so special. I don't blame that entirely on Roy Z. I blame it more on the lack of a real band to record the album. I still think Roy is an excellent producer; "Angel Of Retribution" by Judas Priest showed that.
On the other hand, "Tyranny" once again proved Roy to be an ace songwriter and an excellent musician. The songs on the album are really good, and I'm looking forward to hearing them live.
Don't get me wrong, I still like "Tyranny Of Souls" and think it is a good album. But after a few attentive listens it just shows a couple of weaknesses.
Yes from a writing point of view as is Steve Harris and Iron Maiden based on the last 10 years output
I disagree, RW. Steve and Maiden have released some of their most inspired work within the past ten years.
From a writing point of view I'd also say Maiden has declined during the past ten years. The X Factor is one of their best albums but anything after that has been less stunning IMO.
Bruce still writes good lyrics but Tyranny of Souls is a lot less thrilling than the four solo albums he made between 1994 and 1998. It lacks the spirit of experimentation that shaped his previous solo efforts and sounds much more bland to me. One could wish now that he's back with Maiden he would do something different again...
Maybe but its not something they should put Iron Maiden on the cover of imo. Listen to Paschendale. It's a monumental song, vocally its a bit disjointed but the arrangement is overall a great song... but is it Iron Maiden? When you listen to Trooper, Phantom, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Hallowed.... no it's not. Those are classic Maiden tracks with galloping riffs guitar harmonies, clever lyrics that are sung well and nothing on the last 3 studio albums comes close to it. Theyre not bad songs theyre just not Maiden. Of course bands change and I enjoy a lot of Maidens new material - certainly a lot more than ACDC who churn out the same album with the same riffs time after time but theres a happy medium and I think Maiden dont have that.
Case in point, the best song IMO on Tyranny of Souls is probably the song thats structurally simplest - Abduction. Lyrics are simple dont necessarilly make a lot of sense but the vocal melodies are good and the guitar work is true heavy metal. I just want more of it
I certainly disagree with you, RW
I think a lot of Maiden trademarks have prevailed, but the band in general has simply made progress. I think there is still a lot of the "old" Maiden in this band, but their songwriting has become more diverse and, sorry to say it, inspired. Of course, that's just my opinion, and disagreeing with me is a most natural, almost instinctive reaction born into most human beings
Tyranny of Souls is a patchy affair when compared to AOB or CW, but that’s as much to do with Bruce as Roy Z. Does that mean Bruce is also overrated?
Tyranny of Souls lacks creativity! The riffs are pretty dull, the solos sound really sterile. The way it was recorded made it sound like a poor demo.
To me this album really lacks a creative band.
Then, I never liked Roy Z's production style, because it is all in all not very organic. The last two Bruce solo records benefited of the presence of a proper band and Adrian Smith.
To me Roy Z is not the mastermind people make him to be. I don't say he's bad, he simply is overrated. And Tyranny of Souls clearly shows that his participation does NOT guarantee a quality album (Halford's second solo album shows that, too!)
There you go, you have your examples now.
I must agree here. You can really feel Adrian on both Accident of Brith and The Chemical Wedding. That is a fact. Especially the former. Listen to Road to Hell.
All the while I still like most songs on Tyranny. But they don't ignite me the way his previous work does. No love at first sight. Of course, that's a very subjective judgement.
You make a good point. For me, Maiden still 'sound' like Maiden, but it's not Maiden! I realise that's a daft statment, but since the early 90s Maiden seem to have lost the power to engage. I can see where Perun is coming from in saying that many of Maiden's trademarks have prevailed but why, if the new music is essentially the same, does it not move me like the 80s material? I really like some songs from BNW, even a few from DOD, but I don't feel the need to listen to those albums with any regularity, whereas I listen to POM, 7th Son etc all the time. It seems like something vital is missing from the newer material.
To me this album really lacks a creative band.
Then, I never liked Roy Z's production style, because it is all in all not very organic. The last two Bruce solo records benefited of the presence of a proper band and Adrian Smith.
To me Roy Z is not the mastermind people make him to be. I don't say he's bad, he simply is overrated. And Tyranny of Souls clearly shows that his participation does NOT guarantee a quality album (Halford's second solo album shows that, too!)
There you go, you have your examples now.
Thanks Maidenfreak.
I agree with most of your points about TOS; as I said it's very patchy. We'll have to disagree on Roy Z's production style in general. I think he does a good job, that's why I said his involvement should benefit Bruce's covers album. I hardly consider him to be a 'matermind'.