Catch a Glimpse of the Maidens' Derek Riggs Cover
Gone to pressing on March 19, the Iron Maidens full length tribute album will arrive on April 8As already stated by Maidenfans, the CD features the artwork from ex-Maiden designer Derek Riggs. As explains Steph Harris, the band's bassist: "[There] was a drawing dubbed "Charlotte" done by a friend who has also done artwork for comic books and for the band Pantera. The artwork was pro and we got a really good deal because we are friends with the artist.... but... after considering all the fuss everyone makes about Riggs, we decided we couldn't very well have anyone else do the artwork for our CD...even if it meant we had to spend extra. So...Riggs it is."
Here you can see a first partial preview of the album cover, reminiscent of the first Iron Maiden albums' drawings, but clearly done on computer this time:
The album will be sold at every live show from the band (as from the Washington and Oregon April dates) and also on their website, since the band has no distribution network to rely on, even if Nikki McBurrain, the band's drummer, says that it would be an "extreme bonus if something like that would come to be". A new line of merchandise will also be available.
Source: The Iron Maidens Boards, The Iron
Er, looks rubbish in my opinion...
Looks like a cross between live after death and iron maiden. Will wait to see the final outcome. I wish Derek wouldnt use computers anymore its just not the same
looks like some cheap child cd, which they give away with a pack of washing powder !
I didn't know that he used an ATARI 512...
Haha, more like an Atari ST
Cmon be fair youve not even seen the Eddie part of it yet!
Derek's work has gone to shit. He's really messed himself over with getting into computer illustrations. He's became rusty with the ol' pencil and brushes, so he' just crap now.
What songs are on this album?
In my opinion it's just a nice and simple cover.
Now I do prefer the drawings but that's the way he wanted it to be, so it's fine.
Strange, I seem to remember our band releasing full length albums of Maiden's songs since 1997...
What is it called ?

We had Live Off The Desk in 1997, Brave New Gigs in 2000, Live 2002 in 2002 funnily enough... and we are just about to release The First Ten Years in a couple of weeks.
Check out where you will find snippets of some songs on the downloads section.

I hardly see the excitement at some buildings.
Check out where you will find snippets of some songs on the downloads section.

I heard of you guys before... I like your stuff

Corrected the post to remove that little innacuracy. Thanks for that

This cover is not at Derek's size!
When I read this topic about a cover designed by Derek, I exepected something like the old maiden stuff and not this one that could have been done by any designer....

I'm back on duty. Sorry for being away, guys, but I had a wonderful holiday, if you ask me

Sorry for that mistake. I actually just copied and pasted what the Iron Maidens were saying. Thanks for correcting !

Hi Speed!

Sorry about that inaccuracy. No disrespect intended!
The information should have read :"It's the first full length studio recording released by a tribute band." We'll make sure that gets corrected for the future, if it hasn't been already.

And thanks for the mention, Saint! We really appreciate the support from our fellow Maiden fans.

Hope to meet you and Hi-On Maiden one day!
Up the Irons!
Aja Kim
'Bruce Lee' Chickinson
We ran an more recent news announcing the pre-ordering possibility as well:
Thanks for stopping by and continue to be the great tribute band you are !!!
Thanks for stopping by and continue to be the great tribute band you are !!!
TY! I've been lurking about for a while but couldn't resist popping out to say hi!

As a fellow fan, I appreciate your dedication in creating and maintaining this website! It's fantastic, really well done.

You're one of the first sites I'll come to when I want to find out things about the band because you have such an amazing wealth of information that can't be found elsewhere. Keep up the great work!

'Bruce Lee' Chickinson
You're referring to the Commentary, I suppose

Ooops, should have been a little more clear there, to give proper credit where the credit is due.

But I'm quite impressed by the site, in general!

'Bruce Lee' Chickinson

Sorry about that inaccuracy. No disrespect intended!
The information should have read :"It's the first full length studio recording released by a tribute band." We'll make sure that gets corrected for the future, if it hasn't been already.

And thanks for the mention, Saint! We really appreciate the support from our fellow Maiden fans.

Hope to meet you and Hi-On Maiden one day!
Up the Irons!
Aja Kim
'Bruce Lee' Chickinson
No problem at all!!! Hope to meet up with you girls one day soon