Death on the Road CD/DVD Artwork
Iron has revealed the artwork for the upcoming Death on the Road CD/DVD. The artist is still unknown, but Maidenfans will get you the information as soon as possible
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Pretty wicked, literally.
I like it.
That's quite alright. At least it's better than the Dance of Death cover that apart from the Eddie looked like something briefly pasted together in Photoshop during a coffee break.
Thats wierd I was just looking for the artwork at lunchtime thinking we should probably have seen it by now
hum - I don't like it...
One good piece of artwork!!
Looks like a bootleg cover. Really don't like it. I'd have the Early Days cover any day over this.
Bah. They should think about hiring Patchett or Wilkinson again...
whose eddie's son ???!!
"undert" ??
looks no maiden cover, too "dark"...
I bet it's from the same guy who did the Edward The Great cover. The backrounds are equally undefined. It's a step forward because they went for a non-CGI cover but I hate Eddie's teeth! It looks like some kind of pokemon - manga shit.
"undert" ??

looks no maiden cover, too "dark"...
UndertAKER... Just watch WWE wrestling!
Good artwork, 1 billion better than Dance Of Death!
This is VERY untypical for an Iron Maiden cover...
Does it look like a bootleg cover? Yes, pretty much.
Is it very untipical for a Maiden cover? Certainly.
But nonethless I really love it. Best Maiden cover since Virtual XI
A cover like that deserves one of these:
it's not bad, but I think eddie looks like a monkey....
I think it was a really cool artwork
But it doesn't look so very much like Eddie
Tell me when the last time any artwork looked like Eddie. No Prayer for the Dying???
I really like it But i agree with those who say it does not look like maiden.
it doesnt really look too much like Eddie but its still pretty sweet
That that for real or someone just made the image?
I think he made that one himself, but its not unlikely that a t-shirt might appear looking somewhat like that one... I hope
I like it. I approve
yeah...i'll definitely be all over that one when it comes out, both the DVD and the apparel
By the way, where would I find maiden shirts that arent from the limited selection on the official store?
Out in my crappy hometown, there's no where to shop for clothing except a walmart so i dont really know where to find these things
TO duncan426: yes! you're right. This 'illusion' isn't classic maiden cover. I like best covers from cd Killers, IM, Running freee and I say: EDDIE BACK TO THE STREET !!
Hehe. its not EDWARDS SON UNDERT its Edward & Son Undertake or Edward & Son Undertakes.
iam not really into this cover, yes its nice, but... very similiar artwork
to MAIDEN GERMANY bootleg.. Maiden cant find any better designer? Steve like
this artwork, huh?
I think its pretty good. Theres plenty detail in there just Eddie doesnt look much like the classic Eddie we've grown up with. It reminds me of one of the Christmas card entries. Maybe a fan drew the artwork?
maybe it is tap_legion?
Bah. They should think about hiring Patchett or Wilkinson again...
Agree with you - compared with Early Days cover - this one looks a bit .... strange?

It's Undertakers!! not undertake
ie this is an olde world horse drawn hearse.

I made it to give an example of what the t-shirts will probibly look like.

i dint like it, it dosent look like Eddie,looks like a ugly monkey!
I like it.
Frankly, it doesn't look like a true maiden artwork. It's better than "Dance of Death" but it's not very difficult. The new artwork is much closer to a bootleg cover (which "Dance of Death" wasn't because far to ugly) than anything else. Too bad...
Honnestly, I was waiting for something similar to RIR, with the Eddie used for DOD and a same theme.
Too bad... I didn't like it (though, the t-shirt looks pretty nice.) I'm dissapointed. I hope I'll get used it.
I dont like this cover.
If you see the artwork from bands that are starting, little bands or just fans is not different from that cover.
Maiden deserves better artwork. Derek must come back and draw Eddie as he is, not like this monkey.
It's fine but Eddie doesn't looks like himself: he just looks like some random zombie....but it's still better than DoD
It works for me. I like the T Shirt. It's refreshing to see real artwork as opposed to just some fancy photos.
Cd and DVD covers are so small compared to the days good ol' vinyl and real album cover art. Just my 2cents.
I like it, and I don't. I like the idea, and the carriage...the Eddie isn't as refined as I'd like, however.
it's "death" on the road, so if they had used eddie like on dod with the black mantel it would have been much better....
btw: those horses with carriage seem very familiar, maybe a bit hammerfall alike ? or is it from a movie ?
I think it is eddie from DOD, because he has got the black mantel, it is just blowing in the wind, and he has also got the long stick with sharp blade attached on it. (don't know what it is called )
Would it not be relevant to set the new artwork as a picture along with the "death on the road" top story section on the frontpage?
The horses and the carriage bear a notable similarity to King Diamond's Abigail artwork so maybe that's what looks familiar?
Doesn't look as good as the old maiden covers.
Eddies fangs are much too long, he looks like a vampire or something!!!!!!!!
But wait........ could this be eddie son?????????????????????
Come to think of it, it's not that bad
I like the idea and artwork. But it just isn't Iron Maiden. It doesn't really look like eddie either. Could have been better... I personally was expecting it to just look like the cover of the latest biography
have bought that editon like 2 weeks ago, but the stupic cgi figure ruins it !! , that's the way eddie should have looked on the "death on the road" cover, than it would have been way better, but still too "dark"... anyway, ain't gonna discuss it any further, we all know we can't change a thing so..., will see if I buy it or not...
Great artwork! I really like it!
It's ok..
But the horses are taking too much of the attention a bit.. it's not enough Eddie, yaknow..
btw: maybe stupid question, but if eddie has a son, who is his wife ??! (margaret thatcher ? ) => is his son the seventh son of him (the seventh son) ?
and who were his parents ?
who can answer me ?!
think I already see his son on the pic, the "guts" he holds in his hand, just like on the ssoass album...
everybody is just repeating themselves here. "its cool but it doesnt look like eddie", bla bla bla. its just an album cover, who cares. if it looks cool, then it looks cool, i dont see why everybody's diving so deep into it. its not even for a studio album, it isnt even a big deal.
This is definately a really cool picture, but it is very different to previous Maiden images and hard to accept.....then again, I think it's cool that Eddie is being sorta re-invented again with this and the Edward the Great artwork
I have an idea! Maybe it doesnt look like Eddie because it isnt Eddie!! Maybe thats the "son" we hear tell of. And it looks like an ugly monkey because Eddie's wife IS a monkey!.........just a thought.
Im just releaved to see that they are no longer using the cg. DOD's cover was crappy at best. This is a badass picture. I especially like the fact that Eddie/his son/whatever's entrails are torn out. It looks so evil, and even though that is uncharacteristic of maiden, its very cool.
That would have nothing to do with Dance of Death, and after all this is a cover for the DoD live cd/dvd.
Having taken another look at it, I have to say I really like this one. Only Eddies eyes and teeth disturb me a little, but I think I will get used to that.
The more I glance at it, the more I dislike it.
Looks like a bad bootleg or some cheap europower band artwork cover.
This is Eddieson you can see the family resemblance
Has anyone got a set list from this show?
The thing that bothers me the most about this is that someone got paid $$$$ to do this cover. If it was me , I would of given the money back out of shame for turning in such a dull painting.
Well, you're a perfectionist. And indeed your paintings are perfect.
I'll have to PM you ask you for some illustrations for my Commentary