Death On The Road DVDs and CDs Package?
According to a snippet information at, it might be possible that a package including both the DVDs and the CDs of the forthcoming 'Death on the Road' is to be released.More information as it come available.
Cool. It would be cool for it to have loads of goodies with it!!!!!!!
Yeah, I hope they'll include a Breath of the Toad lollipop... or is it a Death on the Road condom? nayway, any goodie will do me, even a square inch of Nicko's underpants from one of the concerts!
I will love to see them released together in the same package for everybody who wants to have both formats. It would be cheaper than buying the 2CD set and the 2DVD set.
Unfortunately, have now amended their offer to simply that of 2DVDs. I had, however, taken a PDF of the original offer and had ordered that one, so I have sent it to then and asked for an explanation and, where possible, compensation by giving me the cds as part of the pack : ))
Nothing to lose by it
Nothing to lose by it

OK. Keep us updated!
It seems the offer of '2x DVD and CD Live Package' is still up there on They put it back :
It seems to good to be true, and you know what they say; "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."