Derek Riggs Is Back ...with the Maidens
Derek Riggs, known for not wanting to work with Maiden anymore, has decided to come back to the world of Eddie in another way.The Iron Maidens, featuring Phantom Blue members Linda McDonald (drums), Josephine Draven (guitars) and Sara Marsh (guitars), will be releasing a full length tribute CD to Iron Maiden in the near future. The album has been mastered and the band is now waiting on the cover art, to be supplied by none other than Maiden art guru and Eddie creator Derek Riggs.
Steph Harris, Iron Maidens' bassist, had this to say about Riggs artwork on her bands' forum last week:
I just got a sneak preview of the artwork for our tribute CD and it is so fucking cool I can't stop looking at it. It's 100% Riggs.... we only gave him some suggestions of what we thought might look cool but this really exceeds our expectations. And no.... I'm not going to share it on the's much more fun to keep it a surprise.
Will the artwork follow the line of a female Eddie, the band's mascot ?
The tribute album mastering is finished and the band hopes to release it on March or April.
Fans can attend their next show on January 15 at Kozmos in California.
Source:, Iron Maidens Forums
Thats great news! I'd like to see some new eddie art!
Looked for some info on the net and added what I could gather.
I'd be interested to see that artwork.
Some new "real" Eddie art. Riggs style.
Can't wait to see this one!
Bah, I though he was official back with Maiden

Same here - I'm looking forward to Riggs' work...
maybe they catch him again for any forthcoming Maiden Artwork??
Hopefully, but I don't think so...
..otherwise we always have Tap_Legion!

Updated the news.
Steph Harris, Iron Maidens' bassist says on their forums:
We're hoping for a March/ April release date if everything goes as planned. Things keep coming up that we need to take care of so now we're reluctant to put CD info on the website until the CD is ready to go. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned the artwork...but I couldn't help it....a Riggs original is something to get excited about.
Steph Harris, Iron Maidens' bassist says on their forums:
We're hoping for a March/ April release date if everything goes as planned. Things keep coming up that we need to take care of so now we're reluctant to put CD info on the website until the CD is ready to go. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned the artwork...but I couldn't help it....a Riggs original is something to get excited about.
When is the album coming out?
Steph Harris, Iron Maidens' bassist says on their forums:
We're hoping for a March/ April release date if everything goes as planned. Things keep coming up that we need to take care of so now we're reluctant to put CD info on the website until the CD is ready to go. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned the artwork...but I couldn't help it....a Riggs original is something to get excited about.
Eddie_H, look where i've highlighted...