Eight Songs Ready for New B L A Z E Album
No More Tears recently had the chance to chat with Luca Princiotta about how the writing sessions for the new B L A Z E album were going and this is what he replied:"it's going well!! I mean, me and Oli have got a lot of "killer" riffs and we're still working about arrangements. Blaze is writing lyrics and vocal melodies...
When we met last time we almoust finished 8 proof songs!
So, there's a lot of new stuff, now we have to do a great pre-production before to enter in studio recording!"
Maidenfans.com first heard of the writing progression last February.
The new album is awaited for a February 2006 release and it should be available both in surround 5.1 and stereo sound. It should be packaged with a live DVD recorded at the last Big Bash gig in December 2004.
The tracklist of the DVD should be the following:
Ghost in the Machine
Silicion Messiah
Born as a Stranger
Stare at the Sun
The Launch
Kill and Destroy
Tenth Dimension
Stealing Time
Living Someone Else's Life
Ten Seconds
Blood and Belief
Will To Win
Life and Death
Soundtrack of my Life
The Clansman
Man on the Edge
Paint The Town Red
Black Lagoon
Many thanks to No More Tears for sharing the Luca quote with us
This makes me a very happy man.
Let's hope they can find a new label so they can actully put this album out.
Yeah a label that might actually back the band financially for a decent european or world tour!
I hope that Blaze gets his act together before the tour.
Hey RW, I think this is a first:
Bravewords reports that news saying that Blazefans.com released the info !!!
Blazefans is now recognized as the main source for everything-Blaze !
I hope BLAZE will tour Europe!!
Screw Europe, Blaze needs to come to Canada. I'd go see him if he was in Nova Scotia or in New Brunswick.
Bravewords reports that news saying that Blazefans.com released the info !!!
Blazefans is now recognized as the main source for everything-Blaze !


Surprised me to such an extent I pulled myself together and did it
Either way that's brilliant news! It'll be interesting to see what direction they'll take without the original members writing the music! The DVD looks quite good as well.
When it comes down to touring they need better financial backing and less of dates being announced two weeks before the show and then getting moved to a different venue the day before it's played. Maybe they need to swallow the pride and open for a bigger act instead.
You're right on target. To be exposed again at a big level, they should participate in festivals and open for a high-profile band on tour !
Otherwise, Blaze will have to tour the same way as Di'Anno does now...
Otherwise, Blaze will have to tour the same way as Di'Anno does now...
Yeah, but I think he never had a problem with that. At least he opened for Helloween and Savatage, didn't he?
I think he's not that arrogant, that he would refuse to open for a greater act...

I wanna see BLAZE!

Either way that's brilliant news! It'll be interesting to see what direction they'll take without the original members writing the music! The DVD looks quite good as well.
When it comes down to touring they need better financial backing and less of dates being announced two weeks before the show and then getting moved to a different venue the day before it's played. Maybe they need to swallow the pride and open for a bigger act instead.
Cheers for that.
I dont think Blaze being too proud to open for large acts is a problem. SPV have recently not backed the band when they had opportunities to tour Europe and US with a big name band on two occasions I know of. Thats why theyre looking for a new record label.
That tracklisting isn't quite right, but the way. Some of the songs are in the wrong order.
Blazefans added some pictures of the last BLAZE gig in Moscow:
Take a look at other pics of the band by browsing that section of the site.
i don't think that his new line up can make an album that comes close to the classic shit from his former bandmates, but let's wait an see... i still support blaze !
We'll just have to hope so. I can't imagine it sounding anything like the first 3 albums though
we couldn't possibly know if blaze is gonna make a good album or not before it's out. the only dissapointment for me is blaze's apparently lost battle with booze. If the line-up changes didn't get him, that will. Oh, and stop hoping blaze will ever become more popular than they are now. "Metalheads" are just so narrow minded... I bought the s. american edition of SM from ebay and I couldn't find a used shop that would buy the european version from me!
I hope he does something alot different. I mean SM and TD were good but come on alot of the songs sounded the same.