Fans Organize Maiden Exhibit in Latin America
Here the flyer for the first Expo-Maiden, a show created by the fokes at MaidenPeru.comEverything, from CDs to Vynils, from posters to banners, from books to videos, will be shown at their exhibit.
Three bands will be invited to pay a tribute to Maiden by playing 25 of their songs.
Check the Maiden-Expo if you're nearby. May 7, from 9 PM. Entry is free.
I'd be happy to put this on the news page but I would need some kind of translation on what its about

Well, the poster explains it clearly enough...

It's basically an exhibition of all things Maiden (CDs, books, posters, etc...)
Yep !
Seems it'll be a exhibition with some tribute bands who play 25 !? cover songs?
AAh - we need some Spanish Fans to translate.. if it is spanish
Being italian it's not too difficult for me to translate it (i hope )
It basically says that presents the first edition of Expo Maiden, the first exhibition of Iron Maiden (the most thunderous band of the planet)related material.
Then there are the names of cover bands which will play around 25 maiden songs among the entire discography.
Free Entry from 9 p.m.
Hum - thanks dude