Iron Maiden to be Inducted in Hollywood RockWalk
Iron Maiden will be inducted to Hollywood Rockwalk on August 19th, 7:30 PM.The event is free to the public. No word if any member of the band will participate.

If you want to see the event unravelling, just go at the following place in California, USA: 7425 Sunset BLVD., Hollywood, CA.
Source :
Moved to Iron Maiden News
Anymore details? Is it a handprint sort of thing? Or stars?
Hand prints
isn't that normally done by the stars at the same moment ?! so they have to be there...
btw: never heard of "rockwalk"
It's bout time...!
Is there a list available with all artists that are already introduced in the Rockwalkway?
Is there a list available with all artists that are already introduced in the Rockwalkway?
That's awesome!
I'll definately be there!
Now, just waiting for their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction...
Nominations should be made public in September if I remember well. The current Maiden coverage could help.
From what I saw on their website, it seems every band or singer had a little event. But I can't be sure if that happens separately or on the street directly.
Some bands have even left some guitars and other memorabilia on a special display on the street. Don't know if Maiden will do the same.
Here's a pic of AC/DC plate on the street. Maiden's should look similar I guess:
Here's the ceremony. Impossible to say if it was done on the same day:
Cool idea.
Interesting to note that Metallica was never inducted... Maybe they still are too young a band ?
Well, there's Sonic Youth who started the same year as Metallica. Or even Black Crowes...
This hall of fame is full of great names. Although in some cases I wondered about the criteria and order in which the artists were inducted.
For example, compare:
The Black Crowes 2001
Eric Clapton 2004
Sonic Youth 2003
Queen 2004
(I respect the pioneers of alternative music, but still...)
A funny one:
Eddie Van Halen 1985
his brother Alex 1991
Van Halen 1996
But then again I realise that the sequence need not mean anything. So take this post with a grain of salt

It's about time Iron Maiden were inducted. Looking at the list of already inducted artists, it seems like nearly everyone's there, except as you say, Metallica.
I didn't see Judas Priest on that list of bands.
From what I've heard, the only thing necessary for an artist to get "inducted" into one of these sidewalk things is for the manager to cough up sufficient money to the right person. Inclusion in such a walk means nothing.
As for the Rock Hall of Fame in Cleveland - unlikely. They didn't induct Sabbath, whose contribution to rock is even bigger than Maiden. The people who choose those inductees care only about hit singles and seem to dislike metal. The heaviest band they've inducted is AC/DC; the odds of Maiden getting selected are almost nil.
Nice! Whats' the web site link?
judas priest? great music. but ... do you nknow what are &you talking about? judas has sold 15 mil copies.
IM 70 did. so thats the prob
i think its a rumour
nothing officail yet
rockwalk is big thing to talk about in media
berlieve me im journalist and i havent herard anything about it
You're a journalist? Where did you learn to spell?
Aw, hell, Maverick beat me to the punch.
Something tells me it isn't a rumor, possibly the information having been culled from the Rockwalk's website.
But Agdawhatchamacallit does have one thing straight - Priest is a great band, but they don't have the sort of sales figures and enormous following that Maiden has. But it's not too late, only time will tell.
look, Mav, im slovak Agdawhatchamacallit
at this time i have no internet connection at home
i have no time talking shit
GREAT to see maiden there but is any member of the band intersted in it?
Don't you know? ALL Slovaks are journalists

Thats Awesome I will go see it when I'm in California on Vacation.

and jokers too
[attachmentid=479][attachmentid=480][attachmentid=484]I was there, on the Rock'n'roll hall of fame induction. It was awesome. Hundreds of people showed up, I was Lucky...I got to shake Rod Smallwood's hand...(Yeah, that was me, Rod) a crazy girl in a convertible showed her tits to everybody, Maiden appeared and the crowd went nuts.
After Maiden left, people started getting crazy, the Guitar center store (Where the ceremony took place) closed the metal gate and people started throwing bottles and all kinds of things...The police showed up in force, with like 7 patrol cars and a chopper, so everybody left the place. I know a lot of people didn't get a good view of the ceremony, so I got some videocaps to post.
More video caps, this time, of the madness that happened after they left...Notice the flying bottle about to hit the guard's head.
Grifoman, PM me with the link to you images. I will make them appear with no space limitation. Thanks !
Anyone else has a report ?
is it true? why can i find nothing about it in press or even net?
Anyone else has a report ?
Sorry, dude. I don't know how this works...I clicked PM in your reply, then tried to attach some of the images, and sent the message...Did it arrive? THe next thing I saw was a messages folder thing that didn't have any messages on it.
Sorry, am I doing the right thing?

Sorry, am I doing the right thing?

Images received. Will post them later today. Did you take the pics yourself ?