Iron Maiden to Co-Headline Last Ozzfest Ever
As Maidenfans-collected rumors announced, Iron Maiden is set headline the 10th anniversary edition of Ozzfest along with Black Sabbath. It's Blabbermouth that announce they've received absolutely solid intel on this information, on which Nicko teased a while ago.Anthrax (the 'Among the Living' lineup) has secured a slot on the main stage of the festival, which is expected to kick off in mid-July. It appears that the Ozzfest 2005 shows would start later than the previous 0900 kick-off time and will include more non-rotating slots on the second stage.
If the Blabbermouth report is officialized, it would be the first occasion in a very long time that Maiden wouldn't be the last band on a bill.
Update from Bravewords:
According to Launch, IRON MAIDEN are the confirmed co-headliners with BLACK SABBATH on this year's installment of Ozzfest. The UK legends will be joined by ANTHRAX's Among The Living lineup (featuring vocalist Joey Belladonna, guitarist Dan Spitz and bassist Frank Bello), with many more main stage and second stage bands to be announced soon.
In a UK interview today Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne commented: "We've hoped to get Maiden in our tour forever, and this is the 10th year. Both of these old (English) bands will have the time of their lives rockin' America and fans will get their rocks off, too."
All indications are that this is likely the final year for Ozzfest.
Sources: Blabbermouth, Bravewords
Hesitated between the news and rumor forum for this. It wouldn't be the first time that Blabbermouth is announcing information too soon.
But since every Maiden and Ozzfest fan is buzzing on the Internet, Maidenfans should have this on its primer forum.
So what? England gig please
I would like to go see Sabbath and Maiden, but I'm already going to Paris this year as well as the England gig (when it's finally announced)
I'm going to see Maiden and Sabbath this summer, but not at Ozzfest....
Right when i get back from seing maiden in Oslo, i'll see Black Sabbath here in stockholm on the third july (actually my birthday , can't think of a better way to spend it
) before heading to finland for the maiden gigs there... And from Finland i'll go down to gothenburg for the maiden gig at ullevi... huh it will be two tough weeks...
Well, Ozzfest is financially sound solution for Maiden in the US.
In Europe, they're taking the opportunity to play festivals, often a easier solution for promoters and the band alike in terms of logistics (even if fans dislike this option sometimes).
In the USA, there's less festivals where Maiden could fit. So they either wait for the few promoters interested (mainly in big cities, for money reasons), organize a tour by themselves (risky) or participate in the biggest metal festival happening: Ozzfest.
The latter solution, while not the best, has the advantages of cutting the financial risk, the organization issues (it's a package) and bringing a bigger audience, including general metal fans who could end up buying newer albums and ehance their sales.
Plus, it's certainly financially more rewarding.
In a word, I would totally understand the label if they chose that option, for better or worse.
Now, we'll see if the deals goes to the end. If not, I wouldn't be surprised that the tour would be less extensive like last time.
Ill be going
well i dont like this fest and seeing maiden as not the last on the bill is strange but i think i wll handle it at all
Right when i get back from seing maiden in Oslo, i'll see Black Sabbath here in stockholm on the third july (actually my birthday

Expect 70-80 minutes of Sabbath classics with Ozzy without proper vocals.

i havent heard more sad info in the whole maiden history
i cant undestand it
maiden is doing better than ever so why its neccessary to make shameful supporting act to the greedy old TV clown
okey, it was good chance for judas priest to co-headline last year but not for maiden with 3 times more sold albums than JP!
black sabbath made support to IM in 1992 and it was alright as maiden was still growing and growing (and i thought they ARE still growing) but ozzfest is a biggest failure
i feel dishonoured and betrayed
im flirting with the idea of finishing with maiden seriously...
im flirting with the idea of finishing with maiden seriously...
Did you escape form the IMBB?
I agree with The Saint. This is a clever financial move for Maiden in the US. Now hurry up with UK date(s)!
yes, im escaped "form" of life
anyway its still a rumour, no official statement
even rock am ring/park was not confirmed

What do you mean with "without proper vocals"? Ozzy is back (since several years) if you have missed that

Shot down in flames because of a typo! Anyhoo, I think Ozzfest is the right kind of move for Maiden in the US. As The Saint says, it should have the welcome effect of (re)introducing Maiden to a wider audience and the billing means that Sabbath will always be labouring in the shadow of typically triumphant Maiden performance. But as you point out, nothing is confirmed yet.
if theres somebody to make a supporting act its BS / ozzy and not Maiden!
Maiden are much much bigger than BS altogether with that lazy fat showman ozzy standing on the stage on the same place and clapping like a kid
wider audience? maybe 1000-3000 more fans
maiden did always almost the same places as ozzfest
its impossible because Maiden
1) want to play just few dates per tour
2) they already had booked dates in the summer in europe and its quiet impossible to take all the stage equipment etc with them
Even though I like Maiden more, I cannot deny the fact that Black Sabbath is perhaps the biggest, and definately the most important band in Metal history. I don't see anything wrong with Maiden "supporting" Sabbath, whereas likewise, I wouldn't see anything wrong with Sabbath "supporting" Maiden. We are talking about two bands whose impact and influence on the world of music has been, and is, incomparable.
Besides, we're not talking about supporting anyway. We're just talking about who's playing first. Maiden and Sabbath would be co-headliners, if that means anything to you, just like Judas Priest and Sabbath co-headlined last year.
If you want to finish with Maiden because of this, good then, I doubt Maiden would want a "fan" like you anyway (especially not one who enjoys exposing the members' private lives on the internet).
Although I hoped to see Maiden do their own tour I agree it's a good move towards more fans in the US and a good financial decision as well. Hopefully the setlist won't be shortened with more than two or three songs and as Perun pointed out opening for Black Sabbath isn't bad at all so in reality I'm all for it. Surely Ozzfest is better than no North American tour at all?
I really don't see the problem. If they're co-headlining they'll get at least an hour 30 to 2 hours which is the same as most Maiden gigs. If theres another band who want to go on after Maiden then good luck to them becuase if Maiden put on a good show they'll need it! If you don't want to see Ozzy/Sabbath then leave after Maiden. I couldn't care less if they were first band on as long as we got a full length set. Just means I could get the hell out of there quicker without having to sit through the dross served up by the generic nu-metal bands that plague these kind of festivals
Updated with more.
The final Ozzfest will go with a BANG.
Besides, we're not talking about supporting anyway. We're just talking about who's playing first. Maiden and Sabbath would be co-headliners, if that means anything to you, just like Judas Priest and Sabbath co-headlined last year.
If you want to finish with Maiden because of this, good then, I doubt Maiden would want a "fan" like you anyway (especially not one who enjoys exposing the members' private lives on the internet).
so whats wrong to live/play on your own?
and not only just subserve and even pocket a nice sum over!
Maiden always did without f****g "CO-headlining"
and festivals they headlined have been their own shows in fact
it cant be true! maiden is playing stadiums in europe and doing a support band in US at the same time! thats not ridiculous thats woeful
exposing members private life, huh? you ...! fool parrot
thanks god for such a truehearted fan like you
if you dont care about Maidens reputation and prestige
Rumorfest 2005 - wookubus
(11:30 PM MST 02/15/2005)
Rumors have begun to swirl regarding the line-up to this years "Ozzfest" tour, current candidates said to be taking part in the impending 10th year anniversary edition of the trek include Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Megadeth and Anthrax - the latter of whom will reportedly feature their classic "Among The Living"-era line-up intact. Whether or not the rumors are true remains to be seen however, though official announcements should begin to roll out in the not too distant future. At present, A Dozen Furies, who won their slot through the "Battle For Ozzfest" TV show, are the only officially announced act locked in for the tour.
Megadeth, Sabbath, Anthrax and Maiden ? It's an amazing bill if it proves true.
The Promotors will be raking it in
Shame it's over there, and I'm here isn't it?
im flirting with the idea of finishing with maiden seriously...
Come on mate, music is an entertainment. And Maiden are co-headliners. I don't see it being that bad.

Being a huge Black Sabbath fan (classic line-up) I must say it's a well known fact that Ozzy can't sing anymore. He hides his weak voice using loads of vocal effects and enhancements and that's sad. Anyway, I won't miss Black Sabbath if they finally play in Spain this Summer.

youre right
but im not proud of IM anymore
About that Bravewords news: I'm still wondering from which UK paper did the Ozzy quote come.
Bravewords says that Launch made the news but I can't locate that Launch news at all (for maybe they have that quote reference)...
If someone finds the original source, please let us know.
but im not proud of IM anymore
I'm proud of the band and their music. I'm happy they're still kicking some serious ass with Bruce and Adrian back and I hope I will see them live several times more before they retire.
Launch is can't find the story though
I know

We all know that according to history, Black Sabbath is one of the original heavy metal bands. Black Sabbath is a very respected band and they along with other bands started the musical style that the mighty Maiden fit into.
In a way it is a tribute of at least two (Sabbath & Maiden) heavy metal legends. Sabbath in the 70's and at least in the USA, Maiden in the 80's.
agba: tak to ma mrzi nenavidim ozzfest a je to vazne velke prekvapenie ze tam budu vystupovat.. ja to nejak prezijem vsak, dufam
i havent heard more sad info in the whole maiden history
i cant undestand it
maiden is doing better than ever so why its neccessary to make shameful supporting act to the greedy old TV clown
okey, it was good chance for judas priest to co-headline last year but not for maiden with 3 times more sold albums than JP!
black sabbath made support to IM in 1992 and it was alright as maiden was still growing and growing (and i thought they ARE still growing) but ozzfest is a biggest failure
i feel dishonoured and betrayed
im flirting with the idea of finishing with maiden seriously...
So I guess you didnt really like Maiden for the music? Cuz if you did why would you seriously consider leaving Maiden over something so trivial.
Sabbath needs Dio to front them again. Ozzy is no longer the Prince of 'kin Darkness...just the dad of the dysfunctional Brady Bunch.

ja tomu stale neverim
tak by sa ponizili po takmer 30 rokoch
i respect BS (especially that with Ronnie JD) and their influence and contribution in music but it doesnt mean that Maiden should do support band to them, does it?
Maiden was always much more bigger, stronger and impressive than BS, much more people worship them and they achieved greater success greater audience higher chart positions etc etc than BS
how could they sink so low after 30 years?
theyre selling stadiums now, BS + ozzy they are not
i cant finish with Maiden but im disappointed
Last Ozzfest ever, that's really sad I hope that doesn't mean we won't get to see Ozzy and Sabbath again.
if theres somebody to make a supporting act its BS / ozzy and not Maiden!
Maiden are much much bigger than BS altogether with that lazy fat showman ozzy standing on the stage on the same place and clapping like a kid
wider audience? maybe 1000-3000 more fans
maiden did always almost the same places as ozzfest
its impossible because Maiden
1) want to play just few dates per tour
2) they already had booked dates in the summer in europe and its quiet impossible to take all the stage equipment etc with them
Good lord, do you really think Maiden is bigger in the USA than Sabbath? Also you don't get the obvious point that Maiden are head-lining and not a supporting act. Sabbath and Maiden are headlining together!
but im not proud of IM anymore
That's all right, Maiden isn't proud of you either.
No you;re quite right. Which is why they are headlining
excuse me
maybe i let myself go
but im not happy with fact that Maiden will do support band after 30 years in business
and i cant believe that you dont give a damn about it
playing before is supporting act not CO-headlining
thats just wordplay
OZZfest is just a different form of ozzys gigs (which can bring him bigger success and profit) - festival which can headline only Sabbath / ozzy
Iron Maiden will degrade themselves playing there
forget if you dont care
thats just wordplay[right][snapback]98063[/snapback][/right]
Iron Maiden played before Dio and Stray in the Metal Mania festival in Spain in July 2003 and they were the headliners...

i dont believe
All headlining means in reality is that the band get a full length set, their name written largest on promotional material and get the largest portion of money from the festival. Ultimately OZfest is Ozzys festival so Maiden would never be able to headline it on their own nor does it make sense for them to tour at the same time and try to compete against ozfest over there.
As for headliners performing last, Blaze played the Pepsi Island Festival, in Budapest a few years ago. They headlined the metal stage and one maybe two bands came on after Blaze and played a shorter set than Blaze did. It happens sometimes.
I just don't see what the problem is here? Maiden are coming to the US and are playing one of the biggest festivals there is in the WORLD. They're going to play the same show they do everywhere else so what is the big deal? If you don't like Ozzy/Sabbath then leave after Maiden.
Last Summer i was able to See Judas Priest and this summer Maiden thanks Ozzfest.
they cant use full stage set
Have Maiden really taken their full stage set on their last US tours ?
Then that's your problem, as they did it that way. Maiden played for 110 minutes, then Dio did 75 minutes and finally Stray played for 45 minutes.
theyre selling stadiums now, BS + ozzy they are not
Maiden are not selling out stadiums in the US. Their last 3 US tours were in arenas and ampitheaters, which seat 5-15 thousand. Stadiums seat tens of thousands more. The Ozzfest slot is the only way Maiden will sell out stadiums here.
For GMETID, it was the full stage set, at least here in Denver (judging by a comparison between the Denver show I was at vs. the footage from Rock am Ring). For BNW, it was also the full stage (this time the comparison I'm using is the Denver show vs. Rock In Rio).
And what's more Black Sabbath/Ozzy sell still stadiums out in Europe. This will probably be the best Ozfest ever: Sabbath, Anthrax, and Maiden. Many people in Europe would be jealous. They can't use their full stage set? What's the big deal? Like it's going to be as special as Dod, as long as Eddie is still there and I'm sure he will be.
I was more thinking about DOD, which is the last tour and the first to be cut back from a "full" US tour.
My bad. I actually forgot about the DoD tour. I guess since they only played a handful of shows in 2 cities, I never thought of it as a "US tour".
stadiums, huh? forget it
(just look at the ozzys or BS tour lists)
even in US ozzfest (neither sabbath nor ozzy themselves) takes place in the same venues as Maiden did (just compare ozzfest tours and iron maidens tours. and leave out Maidens last tour. US had extensive Maidens GMETID tour in 2003 so Maiden didnt come back for DOD tour)
Maiden never sold stadiums in US just like ozzfest
(with some exceptions like gig at spartan stadium on SOTour in 86)
They used the whole stage set on the DOD American and Japanese shows. The only slightly different things were the lights.
(just look at the ozzys or BS tour lists)
even in US ozzfest (neither sabbath nor ozzy themselves) takes place in the same venues as Maiden did (just compare ozzfest tours and iron maidens tours. and leave out Maidens last tour. US had extensive Maidens GMETID tour in 2003 so Maiden didnt come back for DOD tour)
It would be very unlikely that those didn't sell out. Ozzy sold out last time he should have come here but I can't find his complete tourdates so soon.
It would be very unlikely that those didn't sell out. Ozzy sold out last time he should have come here but I can't find his complete tourdates so soon.
From what I remember, the Spanish one was half-empty.
Even then, it's only one date.
It would be very unlikely that those didn't sell out. Ozzy sold out last time he should have come here but I can't find his complete tourdates so soon.
maybe the same venues as maiden but less dates
have they ever had 1,5-2 millions fans/tour?
let not argue about it - its silly
both Maiden and sabbath are great. BUT for that reason they should not share one stage (although sabbath waas doing support band to Maiden in 1992)

have they ever had 1,5-2 millions fans/tour?
let not argue about it - its silly
both Maiden and sabbath are great. BUT for that reason they should not share one stage (although sabbath waas doing support band to Maiden in 1992)

You're right they're that's exactly my point. That's why I think it's great that you Americans can seen two of the best bands ever on one day. And if it was up to me Maiden was the headliner. Just one thing; 1992 was a bad year for Sabbath without Ozzy like Maiden with Blaze they were loosing populairity.
Word has it that BLACK LABEL SOCIETY and ROB ZOMBIE have both secured slots on the 10-year-anniversary edition of Ozzfest, with Zakk Wylde's troupe slated to kick off the proceedings on the main stage. Meanwhile, ZOMBIE, MUDVAYNE and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE are said to be in the mix for the smaller second stage, which is expected to feature more non-rotating slots this summer compared to the last couple of years.
As exclusively reported by BLABBERMOUTH.NET on Tuesday, IRON MAIDEN are set to co-headline the entire event with BLACK SABBATH, although recent reports indicate that OZZY OSBOURNE (with Zakk Wylde on guitar) may attempt to stage a solo performance at this year's festival. Also expected to perform on the main stage is the "Among the Living" lineup of ANTHRAX, which has already been confirmed for three European festivals this spring/summer (Holland's Dynamo Open Air on May 7, Sweden's Sweden Rock on June 9-11 and Italy's Gods of Metal on June 11-12) prior to their appearance at Ozzfest.
Source: Blabbermouth
Dave Mustaine says:
Anyway, the tour is going great and we have confirmed our start of summer festivals in Europe and are working on our Summer Festivals in the US and Canada.
I wanted to tell you that we have been considering many bands, and although it is not 100% official yet, we have agreed to take the spectacular ***** ******* out as our very special guests and friends. We have also agreed with the mighty band **** *******. This will be awesome!!!!!
This is going to be part of a 5-6 band "personal favorites of mine" type tour, and we are securing the last 2-3 bands as we speak. And although this will not be an outdoor or arena size festival in all of the markets, we will be playing stadiums in our heads
Source: Megadeth Forums
The first * band could be BLACK SABBATH, meaning that what I reported about Megadeth joining Ozzfest could be true.
What about the second * band ? IRON MAIDEN* .... there's one star too much.
Or, the first is DREAM THEATER and the second FEAR FACTORY ?
Bah... Any ideas ?
Second could be KING DIAMOND.
How long it Ozzfest? From what month to what month?
I am asking because Maiden is scheduled to play Gothenburg, Sweden in early July and then they are set to play in Dublin, Ireland on August 31.
That only leaves them about 6 weeks to play at Ozzfest. I would think Ozzfest is longer than 6 weeks and I don't think Maiden would only play some of the shows.
What do you guys think?
I am asking because Maiden is scheduled to play Gothenburg, Sweden in early July and then they are set to play in Dublin, Ireland on August 31.
That only leaves them about 6 weeks to play at Ozzfest. I would think Ozzfest is longer than 6 weeks and I don't think Maiden would only play some of the shows.
What do you guys think?
i think its a bad rumour
maiden will NOT play ozzfest
On his latest Rock Show, Bruce said that he was wondering who would be present at Ozzfest, hummering funnily as to announce Maiden was to be
We'll see.
Ozzfest press conference due in mid-March ! Sharon will tell us all
The Saint: I heard the same thing
We should know more this week. Mustaine will be discussing with Bruce on the Rock Show.
Lots of things to learn, from what I hear.
MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has shot down rumors that the band might have secured a slot on the main stage at this year's Ozzfest alongside BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN and the "Among the Living" lineup of ANTHRAX.
The band, who completed a U.S. headlining tour last December, are expected to top a package of several "name" acts this summer. More information will be made available soon.
Source: Blabbermouth
Ozzfest Press Conference scheduled for March 15. (I guess I will have to stay up late to update Maidenfans, as it will be the middle of the night in Europe).
We'll know.
Why is NBC no more on my cable operator ?!?
Anyway, here are the following appearances of Ozzy and wife Sharon. The first is before the press conf, we might learn something:
March 11 - "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" (w/ Sharon)
March 21 – "The Howard Stern Show" (radio)
March 21 - CNN's "Showbiz Today"
March 21 - "Rockline" (radio show)
March 22 - "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"
March 23 – "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"
An Ozzfest representative has dismissed as "incorrect" an MTV News report that a press conference will be held on Tuesday (March 15) to announce the dates for the 2005 rendition of the perennial summer metal festival.
From Blabbermouth...
When will we know ?
Bruce is today in LA-LA land, so expect him to attend to the press conference to confirm that Maiden will co-headline Ozzfest.
Keep us posted !
The following *unconfirmed* Ozzfest 2005 tour dates have been leaked:
Jul. 31 - Noblesville, IN @ Verizon Wireless Music Center
Aug. 02 - Columbus, OH @ Germain Ampitheatre
Aug. 04 - Tinley Park, IL @ Tweeter Center
Aug. 06 - East Troy, WI @ Alpine Valley Music Theatre
siN's Metal News has more (they're always a very reliable source): can now reveal the first few leaked dates for this summer's Ozzfest! They are as follows:
July 31 - Noblesville, IN @ Verizon Music Center
August 2 - Columbus, OH @ Germain Ampitheater
August 18 - Phoenix, AZ @ Cricket Pavilion (confirmed by
Subject to change:
August 4 - Tinley Park, IL @ Tweeter Center
August 6 - East Troy, WI @ Alpine Valley Music Theatre
According to the Ticketmaster site, the Phoenix show (and possibly all the shows) will open at 9 a.m. Tickets range from $43.50 - $100.00.
Special thanks to Dean for the other dates!
What about putting together that info in an Ozzfest news topic so people won't have to check back to this one all the time?
Let's wait for a few days for the final confirmation. As soon as it's official, we'll put a news headline with the existing dates.
From the official Iron Maiden site:
15/03/2005OZZFEST 2005
It’s big. It’s bad. And it’s back for more. Got a problem with that?
OZZFEST -the king of festivals- triumphantly returns this summer to celebrate its hard-earned 10th anniversary with the staggering line-up of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Rob Zombie, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall and Black Label Society. The summer’s premier concert festival -which has propelled many of today’s rock bands to superstardom while paying close attention to its discerning fans - will roll out July 15 in Boston and visit 26 cities by the time it reaches West Palm Beach on September 4. The Hot Topic Second Stage will be headlined by Zombie and feature a preview of rock’s rising stars, including As I Lay Dying, Mastodon, The Haunted, In Flames, Arch Enemy, The Black Dahlia Murder, Bury Your Dead, Soilwork, Trivium, It Dies Today, A Dozen Furies and more.
'I'm most proud of the success of Ozzfest,” says founder SHARON OSBOURNE. “Everyone said it would never happen and 10 years later we are still in business.” In fact, 125 bands, 238 shows and over 4 million fans later, the all-day extravaganza of music and deranged merriment is roaring louder than ever. History in the making, 2005 marks the first time metal legends Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden have toured together and also represents Iron Maiden’s first OZZFEST appearance.
Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson said, “This Summer’s Maiden touring is based on the recent “Early Days” DVD and all the songs we do at Ozzfest will be from our first four albums - Iron Maiden, Killers, Number of the Beast and Piece of Mind. We will be bringing over our full European show, naturally including as special guest Eddie in various appropriate guises!! The stage sets, production and backdrops will recreate aspects of the shows on the tours around those albums - only bigger… much bigger!!! We don’t know if anyone has done anything like this before but we think it’s something the fans will really appreciate both in the choice of songs and in the production values.”
Also debuting on the tour will be Texas-based band A Dozen Furies who landed their coveted Hot Topic Second Stage slot after winning OZZY and SHARON’s MTV “Battle For Ozzfest” reality series competition. Debuting last fall and lasting right up until the February launch of the fourth and final season of the Emmy-award winning “The Osbournes,” “Battle For Ozzfest” is the ultimate battle of the bands, with contestants having survived 2004’s grueling OZZFEST challenges.
This year, a limited number of fans who purchase OZZY OSBOURNE's first-ever 51-song, four-CD retrospective box set PRINCE OF DARKNESS (out March 22 of Epic Records) will be able to obtain one free Ozzfest ticket. The initial pressing of the box set will feature a precedent-setting promotion allowing fans to buy one OZZFEST general admission ticket and get one free.
OZZFEST, originally launched in 1996 as a limited two-city trek, has become a virtual breeding ground for up-and-coming bands. The renowned second stage has been instrumental in catapulting the careers of System of a Down, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Incubus, Slipknot, Disturbed, Godsmack and Chevelle. 'Playing Ozzfest --twice-- will always be among the highlights of our career,” notes drummer Samuel Loeffler of Chevelle, who most recently appeared in the festival’s 2003 line-up. “Personally speaking, I was honored and somewhat nervous about sharing the stage with Ozzy, but finally felt comfortable after both he and Sharon patted me on the ass.'
The heavy metal juggernaut has earned a hallowed position in the busiest tour season with a relentless commitment to its core fans and the consistency of quality they demand as their birthright. Just as the festival is committed to presenting the best music, it also provides an interactive, multi-sensory experience for concert-goers with a wide-range of attractions. The traveling show’s notorious “Village Of The Damned” --alive with tattoo artists, piercing booths, state-of-the-art video games, a wide range of vendors and much more-- promises to be wickedly tempting.
Judas Priest --one of the biggest attractions on last year’s tour-- declared: “We were thrilled to be part of such a unique moment in heavy metal history that will be remembered forever!” Jonathan Davis --lead singer for Korn, who pounded the main stage in 2003-- added, 'Ozzy and Ozzfest are some of the cornerstones of metal. I loved playing in front of the Ozzfest crowd, the fans at those shows were f$*#ing amazing.'
In addition to drawing vital hard rock acts, OZZFEST has always attracted a variety of select sponsors devoted to the tour’s core fan base. Hot Topic --returning to host the second stage-- will be the festival’s official soft line teen retailer. Throughout the day, Tama drums and Ibanez guitars will proudly showcase their arsenal in the Village. F.Y.E. (For Your Entertainment) is on board for the fifth consecutive year as the official music retailer and will host the FYE autograph tent giving fans the opportunity to meet some of their favorite OZZFEST artists. TrojanÒ brand condoms will also have presence in the Village as the official latex condom of OZZFEST. Jagermeister will once again bring the backyard BBQ party back to Ozzfest and prove their commitment to metal music with artist autograph signings and tons of free swag for attendees 21 and over.
For more information, visit:
Here are the OZZFEST tour dates:
Fri 7/15 - Boston, MA - Tweeter Center
Sun 7/17 - Hartford, CT - Meadows
Tue 7/19 - Camden, NJ - Tweeter Waterfront
Thu 7/21 - Buffalo, NY - Darien Lakes
Sat 7/23 - Pittsburgh, PA - Post Gazette
Sun 7/24 - Washington, DC - Nissan
Tue 7/26 - New York, NY - PNC
Sat 7/30 - Chicago, IL - Tweeter Center
Sun 7/31 - Indianapolis, IN - Verizon Wireless Music Center
Tue 8/2 - Columbus, OH - Germain Amphitheatre
Thu 8/4 - Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre
Sat 8/6 - East Troy, WI - Alpine Valley
Sun 8/7 - Minneapolis, MN - Floatrite Park
Thu 8/11 - Seattle, WA - White River
Sat 8/13 - San Francisco, CA - Shoreline Amphitheatre
Sun 8/14 - Sacramento, CA - Sleep Train
Tue 8/16 - Salt Lake City, UT - USANA Pavilion
Thu 8/18 - Phoenix, AZ - Cricket
Sat 8/20 - Los Angeles, CA - Hyundai Pavilion at Glen Helen
Tue 8/23 - Albuquerque, NM - Journal Pavilion
Thu 8/25 - Dallas, TX - Smirnoff
Sat 8/27 - Houston, TX - Cynthia J. Woods Pavilion
Sun 8/28 - San Antonio, TX - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Wed 8/31 - Nashville, TN - Starwood Amphitheatre
Fri 9/2 - Charlotte, NC - Verizon
Sun 9/4 - West Palm Beach - Sound Advice
As of now, please react over in the new Ozzfest thread: