Kevin Is Finishing Mixes for a New Maiden Release
After already hinting at his presence in the british capital in a December entry of his diary ("January and February [will] see me back in London, working on revamping some Maiden catalog"), Kevin seems to confirm his current work today by saying: "once we've finished with Maiden", putting in a new perspective all his other diary entries, as Maidenfans already suspected it:- on January 12, he stated: "I'm back in my old studio control-room in London, getting to grips with some live music I'm preparing to mixdown for DVD and CD - and each live recording always comes with it's own set of problems. This one is a vocal microphone with more band than voice and it's pretty complicated to fix!"
- on January 18, he added: "Hi - holed up in my hotel in London - really sick! Man Down! Managed to get to the studio and get a mix done today, but feeling like death warmed-up! And that's all for now - cough, cough! "
- on January 27: "Hi - still mixing away in Central London - DVD stereo audio is done, start 5.1 surround mixes next week! "
- on February 1, he finally said: "I'm back in the studio mixing 5.1 surround sound, which I love doing, of a very heavy rock gig I recorded recently!"
- on February 9: "Finished mixing the Maiden DVD yesterday - stereo and surround all done and mastering today!"
It seems that Kevin could be working on some recent material, perhaps a 'Dance of Death' concert, adding 5.1 mixes for both a DVD Video and a CD (or DVD Audio) !
Source: Caveman Productions
could this be live after death?
probably not, but it would rock if they would release it as a seperate release
it's more likely a dance of death dvd! that so 'kin rocks, with some already great classics wich i haven't heard live before
edit: of course this could not be live after death, silly me!
let's hope that it's the DoD dvd, I really want to see that show again.
Recently recorded?
I don't know... The last Maiden show was in Japan, February 2004 - one year ago. I wouldn't use the word "recently".
Maybe he's working on a B L A Z E live DVD? ;-)
As do i.
Jeah ... Dance of Death in Dortmund !!! - I hope :-)
Notthingham \m/
It wont be though
Maybe that's the long awaited and rumour-scheduled (for winter 04/05) DoD-DVD....
let's hope so...
Be(a)st regards,
Just found this on Kevins Diary:
It's a very scary time right now. My favorite New York Studios, the famous Hit Factory, have just announced that they will be closing their doors, by the end of the month. It's a tragedy - a big blow for the music industry and all the people concerned, and I am left devastated by the news! I am recording a couple of songs with an Estonian band called House Of Games next month, once we've finished with Maiden, and I've had to find a new "home" in New York to work from. * Also off to Sydney Australia in May to mix an album there - so I might just tentatively look around for a possible new home there, and get a little more sun and sand in my life! And to be honest, I really miss the Aussie rock scene, which is really fun to be a part of. Going to a pub and having some great, unknown band in the corner was always a staple of the scene, and so many great bands have come out of that environment - INXS, Baby Animals, Silverchair, AC/DC etc. So, that's got me thinking - OK, back to mixing! Ooroo!!!
Be(a)st regards,
This leaves me hoping that one day, there will be the ultimate box set with a live DVD of every tour they made.
i hope it will be DOD live on some great stadium - in buenos aires or in sao paulo!!!
sounds like we're in for another MUDDY live production (check out what he says for the voice Mic feed problem, these things don't get fixed easily)
Moan, moan, whine...



If the recording is from the "Dance of death" tour, I guess it would be from Dortmund or Poland, as Kevin Shirley went there to record those gigs (the Polish one was awesome, judging from bootlegs). I think he also recorded the Paris show, but I might be mistaken.
There are also professional recordings of the italian gig in milan made by the italian satellitar television "Rock Tv" i, the audio is awesome in particular, i don't know if they'll use them but I just wanted to add that there's also this material.
new update from kevin shirley : " Finished mixing the Maiden DVD yesterday - stereo and surround all done and mastering today!"
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